{22. Kwagatama}

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"So what is this exactly Tikki?" Marinette asked her Kwamii who had given her a small present as she wondered what it was and she opened it. Tikki explained to her that it was a kwagatama which was a gift that Kwamiis would give to their owners to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries and today was the day of Tikki's third year of being Marinette's Kwamii.

"We give these gifts to all of past holders and since today it is your third year of being Ladybug as well as being the holder of the Ladybug miraculous, I decided to give you a gift," Tikki told Marinette as the gift was a small Ladybug charm and Marinette thanked her Kwamii for the gift. She went over to her drawer as she takes some string to make the charm into a small bracelet and she puts it on once she is done making the bracelet.

"Thanks for the gift Tikki. It's really beautiful but I have one question. Does this Kwagatama have any powers of some sort that I need to know about?" Marinette said to Tikki who nodded as the Kwamii began to explain how the Kwagtama had a special power but it can only be used in a emergency since its power can't be used at a random time. Marinette understood as she makes sure to only use the Kwagatama in an emergency and to not use it randomly.

Meanwhile at Adrien's place, Plagg was wondering if he should give his holder the Kwagatama since he remembered that it was his third anniversary of being Chat Noir as he decided on giving the gift to Adrien and he chanted something in a language that only Kwamiis knew. Soon a small gift box appeared in front of Plagg as he picked it up and he went over to Adrien.

"Hey Adrien. I want to give you something as today marks the day of your third year anniversary of being Chat Noir," Plagg told Adrien as his holder didn't think that his Kwamii would be into gift giving since he would give him his cheese so this was unlike Plagg but he shrugged and Plagg gave a small box to Adrien.

"Wow thanks Plagg and it's not like you to give me gifts since you just give me your camembert cheese instead but I'll gladly accept your gift. I'm surprised that you remembered that it was my third year anniversary of Chat Noir but it's a good thing you did. Anyways what's the gift?" Adrien said to Plagg as he open up the small box and inside was a small green paw print charm.

"This is a Kwagatama which is a gift that Kwamiis give to their holders for special occasions so since today is a special occasion I decided to give yours and I've given them to my past holders as well," Plagg explained to Adrien who understood what his Kwamii told him as he takes some string out from the drawer and makes a small bracelet which he put on his wrist once he was done.

"So does this Kwagatama thing have any powers that I need to know about?" Adrien asked his Kwamii as he explained how the Kwagatama had a power but it could only be used in an emergency and to not use it during a normal akuma fight. Adrien nodded as he thanked Plagg for the Kwagatama and he pats his head. Now that they had their Kwagatamas, Adrien and Marinette made sure to use them only in an emergency.

Word count: 595

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