{6. Good Luck Charms}

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Marinette held the good luck charm that Adrien had given to her eight years ago as she still had it with her all this time and kept it safe since she didn't want anything to happen to it. She was with Adrien right now as he saw the charm in her hand and he gasped because he didn't expect her to keep it since he thought that she would throw it away.

"So you've kept my good luck charm that I gave you eight years ago? Wow I never expected you to keep it to be honest," Adrien told Marinette as she looked at him while shaking her head to indicate that she would never have thrown the charm away since it was precious to her and she remembered how she had given Adrien a similar one before he gave a charm to her.

"Of course I've kept it Adrien. I could never throw away something so precious to me and I'm sure you've kept the one I gave you right?" Marinette replied as Adrien nodded and he took out the charm from his pocket, showing it to her.

"I've kept the one that you gave me too and honestly I'm glad you gave it to me since it has a special place in my heart," Adrien told Marinette as she kissed his cheek gently and he smiled at his wife but he noticed a small box on the table so he got up to see what was inside. Marinette smiled as she had prepared something for Adrien and she got up carefully making sure not to hurt herself, placing her hand on her nearly five month pregnant stomach.

"Go ahead and open it. I'm sure you'll love what I've made for you," Marinette told her husband as Adrien picked up the box and he takes off the lid, revealing a lucky charm bracelet that Marinette had made for a specific reason.

"Wow it's another lucky charm bracelet but why does it have a pink charm on it?" Adrien asked his wife as she rolled her eyes at him and sighed at his cluelessness until he figured out what it meant, gasping when he got his answer.

"It has a pink charm because it's the gender of our baby which means that we're having a girl Adrien," Marinette told him as Adrien beamed and he picks up his wife bridal style, kissing her gently on the lips before carefully setting her back down on the ground.

"We're having a girl! This is the best news I've heard. I love you so much Mari," Adrien told Marinette as he was so excited that their baby was a girl and Marinette smiled at her husband's adorable behaviour. Marinette had been to an appointment two hours ago while Adrien had been at work as she found out their baby's gender so she wanted to surprise him and she was glad that it worked.

"I'm just as excited as you are Adrien and I wanted to surprise you so I decided to make another lucky charm bracelet for you along with it having a pink charm," Marinette replied to Adrien as she helped her husband with putting the bracelet on by tying it on his wrist and she smiled when she was done.

"It's really beautiful Mari and I'll make sure to treasure it just like I did with the first lucky charm bracelet you made for me," Adrien said to his wife as the married couple shared a kiss and pulled away before going back to the couch.

Looks like lucky charms really were lucky after all since they were made with love as Adrien and Marinette would always treasure the bracelets that they made each other including the newest one that Adrien was given because he would remember the time that his wife gave it to him as a way of revealing their baby's gender.

Word count: 656

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