{12. Yes Hand/No Hand}

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Marinette had been wanting to confess to Adrien for a while now but whenever she would talk to him, her words ended up in a muddle and she ended up saying stuttering. Alya had noticed this as she sighed before an idea came to her and she immediately told Marinette about it.

"I have an idea on how you can confess to Adrien. I'll stand behind him while you guys talk and I will use my hands as gestures to help you. When I raise my right hand, you say yes to whatever Adrien says and when I raise my left hand you say no. Got it?" Alya explained to Marinette as she was unsure at first but after some persuasion, she decided to agree and they began with their plan.

Adrien came up to Marinette as Alya stood behind him but kept some distance from him so that he wouldn't notice what she was doing and Marinette started to talk to him. Surprisingly, she wasn't stuttering as much as she would before and Alya helped her with the gestures that she had mentioned to Marinette earlier.

"Hey Marinette. I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me after school today since I have a free schedule and I wanted to hand out with you. If that's alright with you of course," Adrien told Marinette as she wasn't expecting him to ask her out like that and she looked at Alya who was holding up her right hand to indicate that Marinette should say yes.

"Yeah sure. I'd love to hang out with you after school," Marinette replied as she was internally squealing in delight that she would be hanging out with Adrien but she wondered if she should count it as a date or not and she watched Adrien leave before Alya hugged her. They both hugged for a while before separating as Marinette high fives Alya and she thanked her for helping.

"Thanks so much for your help, Alya. I can't believe that actually worked and I didn't know what to expect honestly but I'm glad it all worked out in the end. So does this mean I will be going on a date with Adrien? But technically it's not since he didn't say it was," Marinette started to ramble a bit before Alya hushed her and she sighed at her friend.

"Girl enough rambling and focus on the fact that you agreed to hang out with Adrien after school when he asked you. Now that he asked you to meet him after school and possible go somewhere, you have to make sure not to mess things up. Just remember to take a deep breath and count to three if you need to. Not to put pressure on you or anything but you have to try not to stutter," Alya told Marinette who nodded as the two headed to their last class of the day and Marinette was excited that she would he hanging out with Adrien.

After school, Adrien came up to Marinette as they both went inside his bodyguard's car and they both chatted until they arrived at their destination. Adrien takes Marinette's hand after he had gotten out of the car first as he helped her out of the car and they went inside of a café. Adrien's bodyguard drove away as Marinette looked at the café and was mesmerised by the place.

Adrien lead Marinette to a table for two people as the two sat down and looked at the menu for a bit before a waiter came up to them. They gave their orders as they decided to talk and Marinette wondered if she should confess her feelings to Adrien so she took a deep breath before she spoke up.

"I'm going to tell you something that I've been wanting to say for a while now but I wasn't sure if you ever felt the same way as I did and I just kept my feelings bottled up until now. I have loved you for a while Adrien and I hope you have the same feelings as I do but o understand if you don't," Marinette said to Adrien as he was stunned and smiled at her.

"I always thought that you didn't like me or something since you try to find an excuse to not talk to me but after you started to talk more to me I realised that I  loved you too Marinette and that is why I asked you on this date. I'm so glad that you accepted to go out with me," Adrien replied as he picks up Marinette's hand and he brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on her hand. Marinette was glad that the confession went well as she would continue to love Adrien and he would also love her too.

Word count: 812

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