{15. Protective}

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Being five months pregnant wasn't easy but she was glad that her husband had been helping her out and sometimes he would be protective over her. One time, Marinette nearly trippedwhile carefully going down the stairs but Adrien managed to catch her before she could hurt herself and he helped her into the living room where he started to check if she had any injuries.

"I'm fine Adrien so please calm down," Marinette said to her husband as he looked at her after he finished checking her injuries and he had a worried look on his face. Even though she had told him that she was fine, Adrien had gotten scared as he didn't want Marinette or the baby getting hurt and he was just trying to make sure that she was definitely alright.

"I'm really glad that you're alright Mari and I was worried that something happened to you or the baby so of course I'm going to panic but since you're alright then I'll calm down," Adrien told Marinette as she smiled at him and he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She knew how protective Adrien would get sometimes as she honestly didn't mind it and she knew how much he loved her.

"Thank you for helping me Kitty but I should've been more careful next time since I could've hurt the baby and I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if our baby got hurt because of me," Marinette said to him as he nodded and he sat next to her, resting his head on her shoulder.

"I'm not too protective over you right? I can tone down my protectiveness if it bothers you m'lady," Adrien told Marinette as she shook her head and she knew that he was protective over her because he didn't want her or their baby to get hurt in any way which meant that he cared for her. His protectiveness wasn't too unbearable as Marinette was glad that Adrien was helping her through her pregnancy and that he was her husband.

"You're not too protective over me Adrien and you only do it because you love me. Also you just want to make sure that my pregnancy goes well without any problems and when you're protective over me I don't mind it. Our baby is going to have amazing parents who will he loved and we will look after our child when they're born. Thank you for being protective and for being a loving husband," Marinette told Adrien as he smiled at her words and he kissed her lips lightly before pulling away, placing a kiss on top of Marinette's bump.

"Thank you for your kind words Mari and I will always love you as well as our child no matter what. I'm grateful to have a wonderful wife like you that I can protect and I will continue to protect you because like you've mentioned before I don't ever want you or our child getting hurt. I guess it's the nature of soon-to-be fathers to be protective over their pregnant wives and I'm excited to meet our child soon," Adrien told Marinette as he would always protect her and he wasn't going to let any harm come to his wife or their baby because he loved them both.

Word count: 554

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