{9. Accidental Date}

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It wasn't supposed to end up like this as it was meant to be a outing with their friends but they all left one by one saying that things had come up or that they had to go somewhere which left Marinette and Adrien to be the only ones at the cinema right now. What were their friends thinking? Was this supposed to be a date? They looked at each other not knowing what to think as they smiled awkwardly before they went back to watching the movie.

"It's so weird that they all had something to do or go somewhere else but why did they leave me alone with Adrien? Is this what they were planning from the start?" Marinette thought as she sighed quietly and once the movie ended an hour later they both exited the room. Adrien noticed that Marinette had been lost in her thoughts towards the end of the movie as he wondered if she had been thinking of the same thing as he did and he decided to talk to her about it. 

"Didn't you think it was suspicious of our friends to suddenly leave us alone in the theatre room like that? I mean I thought we were having some sort of outing but they left us alone," Adrien told Marinette who nodded in agreement as the two left the cinema and wondered what to do now.

"Maybe they set us up to be alone together for a reason. You don't think that this is a date or something?" Marinette replied as Adrien shrugged since he wasn't too sure himself but maybe this was a date after all and their friends didn't leave them alone for no reason.

"If this is a date then let's do something else. Do you want to get some ice cream?" Adrien said as Marinette agreed to the idea and they both headed to a nearby ice cream place. Once they had arrived, Marinette was in awe at how many ice cream flavours there were as she decided to get the berry flavour and Adrien decided to get the vanilla flavour.

After paying for the ice cream, the two left the place as Marinette licked her ice cream and she loved the flavour of it while Adrien smiled at her cuteness. Maybe this whole date thing wasn't going to be too terrible after all because they had each other as they decided to go to the park and they sat on the bench while continuing to have their ice cream.

"Honestly this date may have been unexpected for the both of us but at least we had a great time together," Marinette told Adrien as he finished his ice cream and nodded in agreement. He had enjoyed spending quality time with Marinette as he wanted to do something and he surprised Marinette by kissing her on the cheek which caused her blush.

"I absolutely loved spending time with you Mari and I hope that we can do this again but only if you want to. I really love you," Adrien said as Marinette finished her ice cream and she wiped her hands with a tissue before she pulled him closer to him. Their lips met in a kiss as the sun began to set giving off a romantic vibe and the two pulled away to watch it together while they held hands.

"I love you too Adrien and I would like to go on another date with you. How about we have one next Friday?" Marinette replied as Adrien nodded before he lightly kissed her on the lips and he pulled away from the kiss so that he could watch the sunset.

An accidental date that turned out to be one of the best dates that Marinette and Adrien had together as they were glad that their friends set them on a date even if they were confused about it at first. They both had fun with one another as they both hoped that the rest of their dates would be amazing just like their first one together and they finally confessed to one another.

Word count: 689

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