{29. Living Together}

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She couldn't believe it as she was glad that she was together with him and honestly it wasn't all that shocking but it felt like a dream to her. After getting married two years ago, Marinette and Adrien had moved to their new house as they've been living together ever since.

"It still amazes me that we're living together as a married couple Adrien and I'm glad to be with you. At first I was nervous since I didn't know what to expect but I had you with me and you've helped me feel less nervous so I'm grateful for you being here as my husband," Marinette told Adrien as they were sat on the couch and had been reminiscing their past memories including when they first moved into their house.

"Being able to live together with you is one of the best things that have happened to me Marinette and so was getting married to you. One day we can have kids together and it'll be a great experience for us both to be parents as it's been our wish since last year," Adrien replied to Marinette as they had both been wanting to start a family together but they decided to wait a little while longer since they wanted to be sure that they would be ready for certain.

"Thank you for letting us wait a bit longer for us to start a family Adrien. I really appreciate it and once we've become more prepared for a family then we can have start one," Marinette said to Adrien as it had been her dream to start a family with her husband and she wanted to have three kids with him.

"You did say that you wanted to have three kids with me right? I remember you telling me about it once and I also want to have three kids too but if we end up having four or five then I'll be happy either way since I will have you by my side," Adrien told Marinette as she kissed his cheek and the two continued to discuss about their future together.

Marriage was something that they both wanted to happen as now that they could call themselves a married couple, they wanted to be ready for having kids together since they had certain things that had to make sure that they had and then they would be ready.

"It was a good thing that Alya and Nino helped us with getting a house since they had been living together before us. This house is very spacious and it's one of the reasons why I love this house but the main reason why I love this house is because I get to live in it with you. I don't think I would've been able to live on my own without you Adrien and I'm glad we're living together," Marinette said to Adrien as she meant every word that she had just told him and he felt the same way as she did.

Living together means being with the people you love as the couple had each other and soon they would have kids together which was something that they were looking forward the most.

Word count: 537

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