{11. Love Language}

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Adrien hasn't been himself lately as this made his girlfriend, Marinette, worry about him and she went to the living room where she found him sat watching one of his mother's movies. Tears were rolling down his face as Marinette sat down besides him and he turned to look at her while she wiped his tears away.

"Hey. Is everything alright? You haven't been yourself lately and I'm getting worried about you. If you don't feel talking right now then I understand and I won't force you to talk to me," Marinette told Adrien as he hugged her and he pulled away afterwards.

"I'm sorry for being so distant with you Marinette but I will tell you why. I miss my mother so much and I wish she was still here with me. When I started to date you, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to show you any proper love or affection and I was scared of you wanting to break up with me," Adrien said to Marinette as he wiped his tears away even though they still were falling and she helps him by giving him a tissue.

"I understand that you miss your mother Adrien and how much your mother meant to you but she's always watching over you. I bet she's proud of you for what you're doing and she'll be glad that you found someone to love. You have shown me how much you love me through words, affection and gifts as I'm grateful to be dating you. I love you and I always will," Marinette replied to Adrien as he smiled at her words and he was starting to feel better.

"Thank you so much for being with me and for helping me when I've needed it especially right now. I will always love you too and I will always continue to do so. I love you so much Marinette and you're the only one that I'll love," Adrien said to Marinette as the two shared a kiss before they pulled away and he pulls her closer to him so that he could cuddle with her.

Things like this made him really glad that he met Marinette as he was really grateful that he is with someone whom he loves and he'll continue to be with her no matter what. Marinette gently kissed Adrien's cheek as the couple cuddled one another and the movie was changed to a different one. Adrien would sometimes kiss Marinette's hand as she loved his way of showing affection towards her and it was his type of love language which she adored so much.

"You're really an amazing girl Marinette as I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to marry you someday whenever you want to and I'll be happy to wait until you say yes," Adrien told her as she blushed at the sudden proposal and she kissed him on the lips before pulling away.

"Of course Adrien. I'd love to marry you but let's wait for the right time to get married since we've only been dating for nearly two years and I want us to take it slow but I accept your proposal," Marinette replied as Adrien nodded as a way of showing that he understood what she just told him and he kissed her cheek. He really loved her and he couldn't wait until the day that they would get married.

Word count: 578

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