{10. Stupid In Love}

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A/N: Just want to point out that in this chapter Marinette and Adrien know each other's identities as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Also Marinette is starting to realise that how much she likes Adrien so I just wanted to say this if anyone gets confused. Anyways on with the chapter! Enjoy!

Ladybug let out a silent whimper and then rubbed the sore spot below her collarbones after smacking it so hard. She mumbled out silent curses in Mandarin, words that her mother would skin her alive for if she ever uttered them out loud in her presence and willed for the blood rushing to her cheeks to stop.

This was the umpteenth time now and it was starting to drive her teeth towards the edge. The heroine scowled at her partner like a child would at a jar of cookies that was placed in a shelf far too high for them to reach. Not that Chat Noir was unreachable.

Hell! If she wanted to, she could jump at him right now and permanently glue their lips together. The boy would swoon with indescribable joy!

Shaking her head, Ladybug exhaled through her nose sharply as if to scold her brain for concocting up the millionth...LadyNoir...fantasy. The teen directed her attention back at the catboy who was busy consoling their latest akuma victim.

The victim was a little girl, no older than four, maybe five. She was giggling at the funny faces that Chat pulled to cheer her up, clapping her hands with a cute blush as the boy followed suit. He was really kind and sweet especially with the little ones. Chat Noir would make such a loving father in the future. No doubt about it and maybe perhaps loving husband.

Ladybug's brain abruptly shut down on the spot and her legs immediately turned to jelly, causing her to trip over the roof tiles and fall off the building with as much beauty and grace a headless chicken would have. The befuddled girl awaited her fate as a soon to be splat on the pavement, too disorientated to even use her damn yoyo.

"My Lady!" Oh. Forget about being a red and black polka dotted splat on the dirt crusted grimey floor. She's going to be a puddle of goop at this rate.
Holding her bridal style, was none other than her one and only Chaton. Suddenly, Ladybug was hypersensitive to every sound, smell and touch.

The way his strong, well toned arms flexed under her thighs and waist, transferring a delicious warmth through her body like skin on skin contact... The way his broad chest loomed over her entire being like a thick, fluffy blanket on a cold winter's night. The way the crisp scent of the outside lingered on him like a breath of fresh air, sending welcomed shivers down her spine.

Ladybug felt herself heat up from head to toe much to her dismay and she wouldn't be surprised if her face mirrored a tomato right now. He's too close. Way too close.

"Heh, I guess angels really do fall from the sky, hmm?" His voice came out as a dark, gravelly purr, causing the poor heroine's heart to go haywire and slam against her ribcage like a gymnast on twenty espresso shots. Why did he have to say it like that!? Not to mention the way his green eyes glinted under his long lashes in such an illegal way!Absolutely unfair!

"Eh-erm-ugh- HMPH!" The word soup that spilled out of her lips as a response was the final nail to the coffin, forcing Ladybug to jump out of the confused boy's arms like his namesake. Her hands flailed around in odd gestures as Ladybug carried on trying to speak, only to fail with more stutters and awkward, fake laughs.

Dammit. She's fallen for him and she's fallen for him hard! When did this happen? How did this happen? Why did this happen? Ridiculously unfair. What's with her and stupidly kind blonde boys with sinfully, beautiful green eyes!? Was this what being in love was like? So many unanswered questions swarmed her mind as Ladybug had no clue what was going on but she told Chat Noir that she had to go and she quickly left before she could de-transform in front of him.

Chat watched Ladybug leave as he sighed and he smiled softly to himself. He figured that Marinette was in love with him as he felt really stupid for not noticing it before and Adrien knew that he had to talk to her. Their confessions could spark something as Adrien hoped that it would be love and not one-sided feelings.

Word count: 784

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