{4. Online Games}

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"Congratulations on your win against The Gamer! See you next week for the final match against Chat Noir!" Marinette read the email that was sent to her telling her she had won against Max (The Gamer) in the Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament that Max held online for the whole of their school to play and now it was down to two people.

Ultimate Mecha Strike III  was a video game that Marinette had started to play a year ago ever since Max introduced it to her and she's been pretty good at it, beating her classmates but now it was down to her and Chat Noir. No one really knew who the mysterious gamer was apart from Marinette herself since the gamer's identity was none other than Adrien Agreste.

Marinette exited the email app on her phone as she went to the messaging app to text Adrien and wish him the best of luck during their match. She knew that Adrien was Chat Noir because he told her that he loved to play Ultimate Mecha Strike III but only when his father wasn't around and mentioned how he went by the name Chat Noir.

"Hey Adrien. I made it to the finals and I'm up against you! I'm so excited for next week so good luck to the both of us," Marinette texted as it wasn't long until Adrien sent a text back to her.

"Thanks Marinette and may the best gamer win," Adrien had texted as the two continued to text one another until midnight and both bid farewell before going offline. Marinette couldn't wait for the finals as she was going up against Adrien and she was really excited to see how their match would play out but she decided to sleep for now since it was late already.

The day of the final arrived as Marinette and Adrien were both online while their class watched their game which was being broadcasted online. Marinette chose her signature character,  LB-03 and Adrien chose his signature character, CN-13 which they will use to battle one another as the game did a countdown before the words "Game Start!" appeared on screen.

Marinette started off with a simple attack as she pressed the necessary buttons and she kept going with her attacks but one of them was blocked by Adrien whose character had grabbed Marinette's character. CN-13 threw LB-03 across as Marinette was stunned by the sudden move but she wasn't going to back down so quickly and her character got up before charging to attack Adrien's character.

"I can't use that special move yet until it's the right moment," Marinette thought as she decided to attack again causing Chat Noir's character to take a some damage and the character was almost at the point of collapsing so Ladybug decided to use her special move, Lucky Charm Sword, to finish off CN-13.

However the move was blocked as Chat Noir used his special move, Cataclysmic Sword, on Ladybug's character which took a lot of damage and the character fainted while the words "You Lose!" appeared on Marinette's screen meaning that Chat Noir had won.

"And that wraps up the final round of the Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament! The winner is: Chat Noir! Congratulations on winning and your prize will be sent to you in two days!" The announcer said as the video ended and Marinette signed out from the game. Adrien did the same as he sent a text to Marinette telling her that she did an amazing job and that he had fun playing against her.

"I also had a great time playing against you Adrien and I didn't expect you to use your character's special move to finish me off like that but it was awesome. Congrats on winning the tournament," Marinette texted Adrien as she was a bit disappointed that she had lost against him but she didn't let that bug her so much since it was a game after all and besides she had a great time playing.

"Thanks Marinette and your combos were really awesome. I have to go now so we'll see each other at school tomorrow. Bye," Adrein texted before going offline as Marinette did the same and she smiled. Online games were fun especially when you play with the people close to you.

Word count: 728

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