Chapter 3

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When Ella went to work later on the following day, she seemed rather chipper. When Michael saw her, he wondered if it was the same Ella that hew knew and loved. He crossed his arms and watched her come into the office. 

"What is on your mind Ella," Michael asked his friend, wondering what was on her mind.

"Nothing," she stated, biting her lip, trying not to say anything.

"Ella Ingrid McIntyre, spill the beans," he demanded, giving her a look.

"Okay, okay. So last night on my way home, some random muscle bound blonde haired blue eyed hunk picked me up and flew me home," she replied to her friend, feeling guilty.

"Uh-huh. Did you get this hunk's name," He asked her.

"Actually no, I didn't. But he did ask for mine and called me gorgeous as he dropped me off on my doorstep," she added.

"Did he have any scars or noticeable features, if you were to pick him out of a lineup," he questioned Ella.

"He did have some facial hair," she replied, indicating with showing him where on the face, which was sideburns and a mustache that went into a small beard.

Michael facepalmed himself. "Great! Just great! They met and she couldn't even get his name," he said in his mind. Then on his phone, he pulled up a picture of Thor.

"Is this the guy that took you home," he asked his friend, showing her the picture of Thor.

"Yes! That is the muscle-bound hulk that took me home," she said, twiddling her fingers. "But who is he," she added.

"Ella, this is Thor. He is a God that helps out from time to time in the city," he told her. 

Her face went to happy go lucky to horror stuck in less than one point two seconds flat. "You mean to tell me that...Thor...took me home," she said, sitting down in her chair.

Then Michael's phone rang. When he saw the number, he groaned in frustration. "Ella, focus, this is what we need to be working on. I have to answer this call so I will be back," he told her. As he left, Ella just nodded as she put her backpack next to her feet and got to work.

Looking around, Michael found a janitor closet and went inside, locking it behind him. "I thought I told you to not call during this time," he said to his co-worker at the Marvel headquarters.

" I am sorry Alec but I thought you should know something," said the female voice over the phone.

"What is so important," he asked her, leaning against the door to the room.

"He met her Alec. Thor met Ella," she stated, matter of fact.

"Yeah I know, Ella just told me. What about it," he sighed, getting agitated.

"He can't stop talking about her eyes and wanting to send her roses. Can you please send me her address so they can be sent," she asked. Alec Michael rubbed in between his eyes.

"Hello, Alec, are you still there," she added.

"Yeah, I will send you the address. Just one thing, remind him that this is a delicate situation and to be careful," he told her.

"Yeah, good luck with that," she said, snorting. He hung up and sent her Ella's address via text message. Then he unlocked the door and headed back to the office with Ella. 

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