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I enter the cafe with John and we sit down at the end table. I can't see Melissa, Ivy, Alastair, Sassy or Stuart. Whoa, where are everyone?

"I'm really not sure about how we're gonna go about this John." I say as we dump down our trays on the table and sit opposite each other. John is one of the few people I've known from the start and who is really approachable and fun to talk to. It's easy to talk to him, conversation just flows.

"I am a bit worried about Sassy but I'm sure there is nothing you, me and Alastair can't handle." He says and I look up at him in shock.
"Alastair? I don't expect anything from him. Apart from being a jerk, all he does is flirt with Sassy." I say and John looks at me like I'm speaking Latin.

"Alastair? God no, he's one of the nicest guys around school." He says and I cough.
"He was rude to me on the very first day of our interaction and hasn't spoken to me since." I say and John shrugs.
"You might have said something to him." He says and my jaw drops open.
"I've never spoken to the guy before that incident." I say and John wipes his mouth with a tissue.
"Then maybe you shouldn't judge him." He says and I purse my lips as I lean backwards.

Yes, I was quite a judgemental person. That was one of my shortcomings and I was working on it. I judged people hard, but I kept it to myself. Freedom of speech and expression doesn't give you the right to be an ambiguous asshole after all.

"Maybe I did. But that was the way he behaved with me. With you, he might be a different person." I reason and John takes a sip of his juice.
"You know Spencer? He's in your class." He says and I nod.
"He is the captain of the football team and is a real bully. He used to trouble me and some of my friends in junior year before Alastair stepped in and he has never harassed us after that." He says and I think about it. I've never seen that side of him. But then again, I've never seen any side of him.

"He's a great guy. Once you get to know him, you'll agree." He says and I sit quietly. Maybe Alastair has a back story too. He might not be what people usually portray him as.


After the bell for the last period rings, I walk out of the class. I'm under so much of work, my eyes have dark circles around them and my hair is a messy bun on my head. I open it and weave my fingers through it.

As I walked towards the parking lot, I remember I had to go to the school budget alloter for financing the fest. I kick a pebble in frustration and walk inside the school again. At this point of time, the school is nearly empty and I walk towards the office, passing the gym.

As I walk past the glass doors of the fitness area, I hear some sounds. Sounds of hushed talking and some human activity. I know I shouldn't go inside, I know it is none of my business, but I walk inside curiously anyways.

I walk cautiously past the exercise equipments and the refreshment area till I reach a secluded spot. I can now hear the voices clearly. I peer my head to see a dirty blonde haired, thin girl leaning to a tall, muscular guy. From the position I am in, I can't see their faces but I think the girl is Sassy.

I know that what I'm doing is wrong and I should walk away at this instance, but I'm very much drawn. Call it my inquisitive nature or simply checking if nothing is wrong. Moreover, being involved in any sexual activity within the school premises isn't allowed. Mr. Steward's words, not mine.

"Why won't you let me do this? We could be what we've always wanted to. Come on babe, give me a chance." The girl says in a sultry voice and I know that it is Sassy.
"Sassy please, I don't want to do this." The boy says and I gasp. Alastair. I can't miss the deep, husky voice I've grown to love even though I hate the owner of that voice. After all the prep talk to myself about how he wasn't a bad boy and I shouldn't base him off as a jerk and manwhore after our very first meeting itself, this is what I get.

Somehow, this hurts. Not because I like him and I'm jealous or that it is Sassy he's kissing. I thought he was different. I brought myself to think that way. This is none of my business and Alastair Kerr is no one who'd want advice from me. But when you make up a perfect image of someone in your head and it gets broken, you feel disappointed.

As I watch Sassy pressing her lips to Alastair's jaw, I flinch and walk backwards. Due to my astonishment, I do not notice that there's a bottle kept next to me on the table and my hand hits it. The bottle clatters to the floor, the noise echoing through the empty gym.

Fear grips me and I don't even wait to watch their reaction. I turn around and run for my life, forgetting the bottle, the budget and all other things. I run towards the stairs, not even turning to look back once. My feet slip on the marble floor but I hold myself as I run.

With heavy breathes, I make it through the school and I run towards the parking lot, as fast as my feet carry me. I think I've made it across the football field when I hear the same deep voice call out to me from behind. "Grace!"

I stop short in my tracks.

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