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While I was walking to the bus stop earlier in the day, considering how Alastair was playing around with my scooter and blew it up, I had seen a guy watching me from behind the hedges. It seemed like he was following me and whenever I would look at him, he would turn away and pretend like he wasn't looking. Even when I climbed the bus, he chased me on his cycle.

I had forgotten this incident. But now when I stare at the note slipped inside my door, I'm feeling strange.

Roses are red,
Sky is blue,
You may not know,
But someone loves you. <3

This is far from romantic and somewhere near creepy though. What if this is Alastair? Why will any other guy like me? All my life, I went unnoticed and now that I'm in a relationship, boys are pursuing me. This can't be. It must be Alastair fooling around. Dismissing the thought of that cycle boy from my mind, I drop the note on my study table and pull out a book to read.

Around thirty minutes later, the doorbell rings. Hopping towards the living room, I open it to see Alastair. He presses a chaste kiss to my cheek before handing over a box of cookies. Wow. You should marry a guy who brings you food. I'm not talking about random restaurant waiters though.

We go to my room and I forget about the incident.
"You like it?" Alastair asks as he watches me eating a cookie.
"Love it." I say as I chomp on one.

When he continues watching me, I consciously wipe off the crumbs on my face.
"Do I eat funny?" I ask, shutting the box.
He laughs. "You eat adorably."

"How can one eat adorably?" I make a lame comment to hide my blush.
"Everything you do is adorable. Now stop blushing and teach this shit to me." He says and I punch him on his arm.

One hour later, we're still grappling with the first chapter. Because all Alastair did was play with my hair, convert my statements to something else and drop the pencil again and again.
"I give up." I shut the book and lean back on the pillow.
"Come on Grace, we aren't even past the first lesson yet." He pokes me with the pencil and I throw the eraser at him.

"At this rate, we'll never go past the first chapter. Let's do something else." I suggest. He is home, and the only thing we'll do is studying? Hell no. I start stacking up the books and place them in his bag.

"Who gave you this?" I hear his voice as I look for the eraser below the bed. "What?" I ask him as I get up and circle him near the study table. In his hand is the note that was slipped beneath the door.

"This letter Gracie." He says and I watch his jaw tick.
"You did right?" I ask softly.
"I didn't. Anyways, we'll figure it out." He says and pushes the note in his jeans pocket.

Alastair, I've realized, can be very intimidating when angry. He'll speak more softly and his movements become more deliberate, but his eyes start blazing and you can clearly sense his rage in his stance. That kind of anger is the most dangerous. The one that keeps piling up. Because the day it bursts, it hurts everyone around the person.

As we enter the kitchen, he looks around impassively.
"Where is Vanessa and your mom?" He asks.
"Vanessa is in her room. Mom has been looking after a relative who's in the hospital." I say as I remove some onions and tomatoes from the basket.

"Is Vanessa angry?" He asks and I sigh heavily.
"Why do you ask that?" I still don't meet his eyes.
"She was glaring hard at me at school today. Also, she isn't here right now." He says as he hugs me from behind and snuggles into my hair.

All the worries are pushed at the back of my mind and I answer,"She's just kinda pissed at me. Don't bother about her."
"Don't eat the tomatoes okay?" He taps me on my head as he saunters off to check what's in the fridge.

"I'm not a hogger like you." I retort back and in a hurried movement, I cut my finger with the knife.
"Ouch!" I yelp as I pull back.
"Fuck Gracie. Where is your mind." Alastair scolds as he comes near me.

He wipes off the drop of blood from my finger and kisses the cut. My spine tingles and I feel sensual, something I've never felt before. His gaze pierces through me and I instinctively shoot closer to him.

He moves a strand of hair out of my eyes and runs his fingers along my cheek, like I'm fragile. Like I'm a delicate piece of glass that'll shatter on his mere touch. His eyes show a whirlwind of emotions and for some reason, we both push away at the same time.

I flush a deep red and he clears his throat. We prepare the soup in a comfortable silence and I feed him with my own hands after that. I like to pamper him, feed him and take care him of him like a mother he never had. Watching him content makes me happy.

He leaves after a few hours. We somehow completed two lessons of World Religion and I literally had to push Alastair out of the house.

After he left, I found another note slipped through my door. This one was something along the lines of,

The sky blue dress you wore today suits you. <3

I frown.

Me: I recieved another note from the anonymous person.

*a picture of the note*

Alastair❤️🙈: Any idea who he might be?

Me: None at all.

Alastair❤️🙈: Whoever this person is, he/she is really testing my patience.

Me: Please don't get into trouble Alastair.

Alastair❤️🙈: We'll see to that.😏

Me: I mean it. 😌

Alastair❤️🙈: I mean it too. I love you. Dream about me.👅

Me: ☺️

Smiling, I open the text message sent to me by Mel.


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