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I walked back to the house gingerly, blushing like crazy. It's amazing what love can do to people. I went to my room and looked into the mirror. My cheeks were red and my face was flushed. My eyes twinkled and my lips look pinkest and pouted. I covered my own face with my hands.

The next day, school was abuzz with rumours. There was a new girl who had joined this semester. It was really crazy, however she had got the admission since she transferred from a branch of Presidency Convent in Washington. Rumours were she was Sassy's competitor. I was highly disinterested. High school politics had outgrown me long back. I went and sat for Calculus. I was seeing Stuart after way too long. Not to mention, in a different light. He had the same set of secrets too. He walked over and sat behind me as usual.

"Hey Gracie." He said, biting his lip.
I smiled widely, showing him that things hadn't yet changed. "Hey Stuart."

"So you know now, umm, about us; I mean about Audrey and everything..." He trailed off.

I smiled reassuringly at him. "It's okay Stuart. Yeah, I know. And I'm not gonna judge you for it, okay? Chill."
"Good to know that." He heaved a sigh of relief.

"So do you mind me asking, if you loved Audrey?" I asked, careful not to cross certain boundaries.
"I didn't. But I still miss her." He replied after a while.

Mrs. Piege walked into the class right then. We scattered into our seats.
"Good morning students." She drawled in her Australian accent.
"Good morning ma'am." We all called out.

"So class, today I'm gonna introduce you all to a new student. She's transferred all the way from Washington to the Presidency Convent. You all are going to have calculus with her and tomorrow will be her first official day. Today, she's just here for the last period to get a feel of things. I'd like to present to you people, Emily Mortez!"

Almost everyone in the class, including me, peeked their heads up to get a glance of the new girl. She walked in wearing high waisted shorts and a tank top. Her shades were perched on top of her head and her dark brown waves, which ended at her shoulders, flied around. She was tiny, not very tall. She was very fair and had cat like eyes and full pink lips.

"Damn." Stuart whispered from behind,"She's gonna be my next hook up."

I grimaced. "Stuart, do you just chase any girl? Look at her, she definitely doesn't look the 'I want a relationship' types. Or in that case, even a good chase."

"Oh Gracie." He said leaning in closer from behind,"Real, beautiful girls feel quite insecure about themselves. Boys always chase the ones which are easy, because guys are usually afraid of feelings. A nice, simple girl will never waste her time messing around. Guys are afraid to even approach them. But the easy girls are the ones you can just use and get over with. That doesn't mean we don't respect women, it simply means we know which one wants what. The great girls won't always recieve a lot of attention, but there will come a guy who's brave enough to achieve her. The items found on streets are always cheap, and cheap items have more buyers. Be a diamond. Not everyone can afford one. You're one of those."

I turned around. "I never thought you were so deep."

"Haha true. If we would have been in a love story, this might have been the part where I fall for you. Too bad, you're my best friend's girl."
I looked at him with eyes furrowed. "I hope you're joking."
He laughed. "Ofcourse I am. I'm glad you tamed Alastair. A jock he was."
I fake hit him. "You're speaking about my boyfriend here."

"Since Hyde and York are so busy talking amongst themselves, I think, Emily, you should sit with Hyde." Mrs. Piege's voice startled us. I apologetically smiled at her. The bell rang. "Class dismissed." Mrs. Piege said. However Emily came prancing towards me. She seemed really friendly. "Hey Gracie!"

"Hey Emily." I said back, not knowing how to continue the conversation.
"Hey Em." Stuart said from behind me.
She batted her eyelashes coyly at Stuart. Oh god, this school did not need another Cassandra Peale. I was beginning to dislike her immediately.

She however accompanied me outside the class as I bid goodbye to Stuart. "So how's this school? What do I need to do to become popular here?" She asked.
Too direct. "Just hook up with a popular guy." I said dryly.
"Huh." She said.
I giggled. She was so dumb.

I was about to answer her question when she said,"Oh my god, who is he? He's so friggin' cute! And tall. He can be bae!" She shrieked excitedly. I turned to look where she was looking.

Immediately I was filled with a wave of jealousy. Because she was pointing at none other than my boyfriend Alastair Kerr. I wanted to say; stay in your lane bitch. He can't even see you. But I bit back my tongue. She said then, "Okay bye Grace, I gotta go!" and went away bouncing towards the door, not before casting another glance towards Alastair who was talking with the coach in the corridor.

Stupid attention seeker. Why did everyone want to have a crush on Alastair, I did not get it. I brushed my hair with my fingers and walked over to them.

"Good afternoon sir." I said to coach Malcolm.
"Good afternoon Gracie." He said grinning. Our coach was probably the friendliest teacher in the whole school.
"So you might be interested in joining the girl's athletic team? You're tall and all, big strides!" He laughed.
I giggled. "No sir, not my thing."

"The offer is still open, you know. Tell me if you change your mind. Okay Kerr, better practise."
He left after saying that.
Alastair kept an arm around me. "I can assist you in physical training." He said.

"Nup. I'm not into sports." I said, burying myself deeper into his arm, trying to catch more of his fragrance.
"I was talking about a different kind of physical training." He winked.
I hit him on his arm.

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