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"Did you talk to Albert?" I ask Mel on the phone, while folding some clothes.
"Yes. He is adamant that he doesn't want to start anew." She says.
"Aww baby." I say, almost crying.

"It's okay. We were probably never meant to be anyways. A geek and a popular girl can never stick together. I think I mistook it for love." She sighs.

"Mel, you're very strong." I don't know what I would do if Alastair ever left me. I shudder at the thought of losing him.
We talk some more and then I hang up.
Alastair texts me.

Udk how difficult it was today to stay away from you -_- Roland and the others kept teasing me -A

Ik right ;) -G

I expected you to say same here, but ummm... -A

Haha -G

We talk some more and then I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

Next morning, I wake upto another cute text.
Loving you is my favourite mistake.

He does so much for me, I feel as if I'm hardly doing anything in return. Ofcourse, it's not a give and take relationship, but I feel as if I'm spending too less effort in our affair. The way you make me feel, Alastair Kerr. Damn.

I go to school to find a rose attached to my locker. Could he be any sweeter? I'm literally swooning. In each of my classes, I recieved a text from him. He brought this smile on my lips.
And then I get an idea. Who said only he could give me surprises and throw me off balance?

The next text I get is a rosy red card, asking me out. For? Valentines' Day ofcourse. I would be celebrating 14th February for the first time in my life. Could we get any better? For the first time ever, this day was holding some kind of importance for me. There were no #foreveralone hashtags in my life anymore.

On 14th February, as midnight struck, I recieved his call.
"Happy Valentine's Day baby." He said softly and huskily through the phone.
"Happy Valentines' Day to you too Alastair." I say.

Yeah, in our relationship, only he called me baby, babydoll, sugarplum and all that. I preferred to call him Alastair, it was a beautiful name he had.

"I'm coming tomorrow to pick you up at 5:00 pm. I'll drop you back around 8:00 pm. Do not deck up in dresses. We'll be going by a bike." He said.
"Okay Alastair, I love you okay?" I say.
"I don't." He says.

"Wow. I'm overwhelmed." I say dryly, rolling my eyes.
"Bye now. See you tomorrow." He says.
"Okay okay." I say.

The next day, school is completely decked up in balloons, flowers and hearts. The kids do that, from the fresher and sophomore year. It's love in the air. Literally.

Had it been last year, I would be walking alone in the corridors, keeping my head down, completely adapted to the fact that I had no one. But now, my stomach was in knots with the exhileration that lay ahead.

Alastair emerged from behind some corridor. I stopped in my tracks. How could someone be so gorgeous? I felt like a duck whenever I was with him. Poor Gracie and Stunning Alastair, what a couple. I find my breathe and return the dazzling smile he flashes me. He comes forward and kisses my forehead. In front of everyone. I almost melted. Such a sweet gesture. Was I living a fantasy? He smiled down at me and intertwined his hand through mine and he dropped me off to class and headed to his own. I smelt my left hand which he had held. His fragrance filled me. I grinned like the cheshire cat and settled in class.

Alastair's Point Of View.
I'm wearing my favourite pair of blue jeans and a white linen shirt, waiting outside for her. I've worn my leather jacket also, for some bad boy effect. I'm over that phase already, but it helps at times. I once again spray some deo and ruffle my hair in the rear view mirror. She always surpasses me in the looks quotient. I hear the front door clicking open. She's here. I stand up straight.

One second, is that Gracie? A girl comes out of the door, striding towards me confidently and purposefully. Her long brownish golden hair is flying open behind her. Her eyes are covered with black shades. The skin is glowing and there's sparkly pink gloss on her lips. She's wearing a white crop top with a brown jacket over her shoulders, accompanied by ripped skinny jeans. The crop top doesn't reveal anything, as her jeans are high waisted. She's wearing combat boots and there's a smirk on her perfect face. I'm gobsmacked. I pick up my jaw which has hit the floor.

She comes upto me and keeps a hand on both sides beside my hands.
"Ready to go?" She asks.
"As ever." I say, finding my tongue.
Sure, she was beautiful. Always has been. But this new look caught me offguard. She looked different, hot is what you'd call it. But she didn't overdo it. Her body was still covered, leaving me to imagine her under all those clothes again. Is there anything at all which doesn't suit this girl?

We went for a long drive. I stopped near an open cafe. She hopped down and surveyed the place. I checked out her fine ass. What can I even do? I am a guy after all. Call me a pervert or a desperate person, but that's how we are.

"You look lovely." I whisper on her ear.
"Thank you." She blushes.

We sit on a table inside. It's a nice place, seems like a French cafe. There are wooden floors and ceilings and brick walls. The fire within the fireplace is crackling and it's warm.
"So what's up with the bad girl look?" I ask her.
"Just keeping up with the bad boy." She says.
"Are you comfortable?" I ask.
"Yeah, the seats are good." She says, tongue in cheek.
"You know that's not what I meant." I say, holding back a smile.
"I'm always comfortable about you, even though you make me nervous as hell." She says.

The waiter comes and asks for our orders. We both give our preferences and he moves away.
"What about your father Grace? You've never mentioned him?" I ask.
She stiffens but then hides her body language. "He's in Singapore. He works at a private industry firm there. He visits us for three months in a year, but we talk to him on the phone often."
"How's your relationship with him?" I ask her further, although I know I shouldn't.

"Pretty good. Normal family life, like any." She says, shrugging like it's no big deal.
I don't think it was that normal, that's all.

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