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I stood still for a few seconds, simply trying to process all that happened. Meanwhile, Alastair took that as refusal.

"It's okay if you don't want to come with me." He says dejectedly and starts backing off, a forced smile on his face.

"Wait." I say a little too loudly.
"Yeah?" His eyes widen.
"I'll come with you tomorrow." I smile and his entire face lights up again. Excitedly, he speaks. "Give me your address and tomorrow at sharp 7:45 pm, I'll come to pick you up at your place." He says like with kiddish joy and I start to look for a notebook within my stack of books. Unfortunately, there is none. I'm just carrying four textbooks today.

"Do you have a piece of paper?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I don't carry anything with me."
I sigh and stand there, thinking of what to do.
"Here." He forwards his hand to me and I stare at it.

Oh, he wants me to write down my address on his hand. I'm so stupid around him.
"You shouldn't write on your skin." I reprimand him and he winks. Feeling blood rush to my face, I pull out a pen and adjust my hand on his to write down.

"This is the last time." He says and I can't help but smile.
I like how his hands are. Long fingers and lines adorning his palm. His hands are rough and look like they work a lot. There are even some marks on the insides of his fingers and a burn mark. While my hand skims on it, he flinches and I feel sweat accumulating on the inside of his palm. When I look up at him, his face breaks into an easy grin. I like how his rough hands feel against my own useless, soft ones. I remember what my dad told me once.

"Gracie, when you like a guy and want to spend your whole life with him, remember to have a look at his hands. Rough, worn out hands indicate hard work. You should also check for bruises and scars, they show that he has been in a fight. Both these signs show that he is passionate about something. And in life, passion is important. It gives you soul. Marry a guy who has hands like that, he'll never fail to understand you."

As I finish writing my address down, I put the pen cap back and erase any thoughts of marrying Alastair. I straighten up and he goes over what I've written.

"I've been around this place before." He says and I stuff the pen in between my filled arms.
"Shouldn't you go to class with some books atleast? The teacher wouldn't be very pleased." I tease him and he plays with his hair.

"I have my ways of getting books without carrying them to the class." He says and I raise my eyebrows.
"That's sneaky."
He laughs. The whole 'tilt your head back and have a nice laugh' thing I love so much.
"I borrow them from my friends." He finishes and the bell rings. Students start filling up the classrooms and I purse my lips.

"So I'll see you on Saturday then?" I ask and he nods, hazel eyes twinkling.
"Take care Gracie." He says and I wave to him.

Turning round the corner, I try to ignore the chills down my spine.


It's Friday night. I'm reading a book when I'm suddenly reminded of the party. All I was thinking about since the past two days was Alastair. Our fest preparations were going whole heartedly and I loved every moment of it. Not to mention, my confidence was increasing and my nervousness around people was slowly fading away.

I open my cupboard to see I have absolutely no dresses to wear to a night like this. Even my make up collection is meagre. Shit. What should I do now?

I run out of my room to the living room where Vanessa and mum are watching television. I mute the volume and stand in front of it.
"What?" Vanessa asks as she blows a chewing gum bubble from her mouth.
"I have to go to a party tomorrow and I have nothing appropriate to wear." I burst out and they just stare at me.

"Gracie you amuse me. One of my girls can't get enough of friends and the other one keeps running away from them. Enjoy your school life sweetie." Mum says and I pull my hair in exasperation.

"But I'm just being a nervous wreck." I add and she nods sullenly.
"Well who's party is this?"
"York?" Vanessa asks in disbelief and I nod.
"Whoa. Whom are you going with?" She asks, now completely interested in my story.

"Wooow! How did you score him?" She ask, her mouth now completely open. I don't show it but doesn't my own sister think that I can get a guy, even if only as a friend?
"Who is he?" Even mum asks out of curiosity.

"The hottest thing in our school. After Stuart York of course. Do you even know how many girls in our school have a crush on him?" She asks at the same time as mum asks,"Is he a player?"

"Aargh. Can you guys listen to me for once?" I say a bit loudly and they shut up.
"Yes Vanessa, I do know how many girls have a crush on him and mum, I don't know if he is a player or not. But he is not my boyfriend and is accompanying me only as a one night date. We're going as friends. Okay?" I assert a bit loudly and both of them nod in a 'we-got-you-captain' way.

"I want to meet this guy. Seems like an interesting person." She says and hits the volume button back on, leaving no space for argument and drowning me out.

"I'll dress you up for the entire thing. But one one condition." She says and I raise my hands in a 'what?' gesture.
"Entire story, right now." She says and I nod helplessly.

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