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"Tell me about your dreams. What do you want to do in life?" I ask him as Stella brings a second round of brownies. Dang, I didn't know I was so hungry. Alastair, however, pretends to not notice as he nibbles on a crumb too.

"I want to make it big. I've been born in a poor family, middle class at it's best. After I left my father, I had no money to support myself. I think I want to become rich. In all aspects. Thoughts, soul and the physical wealth of this world. Everything nowadays is driven by gold, I want to be someone who has enough to give and never be empty of anything." He says and I keep my chin on my hand.

"What about football?"
"Football?" He looks at me, biting his lip. "I love the game, but it's not something I want to develop into a career y'know. I'll keep playing football until I'm sixty, but it'll never be a profession."

"Any specific reason? You're like, the top notch young player out there; anyone would love to recruit you!" I gesture my hands about and he straightens up in his seat.

"Things tend to get ugly out there. This might seem selfish, but I don't want to get involved in all that. Also, there are safety concerns; I am my own person, I don't have anyone else to support me. God forbid if something happens to me, I'll be confined to bed for the rest of my life. Business, on the other hand, has drawn me from the start. A family friend of our's had also presented me the opportunity to join his company and learn under him anytime I want to." He says with a twinkle in his eyes and I realize that I love the look on people's face when they talk about their dreams.

"You've thought this through." I say and he grins.
"I like to plan. What about you though?" He says and I squirm in my seat.

"I don't really have dreams as big as your's. I want to become a publisher mostly. I don't think I can become a writer or if I want to, but I know that I can recognize a good story when I see it. I want to nurture people's potentials and bring the best out of them. Publishing is a big industry anyways, I know I can do it. Then, I want to marry someone and have a happy family. I know this is stupid and-" I blabber when I feel Alastair's soft finger on my lips.

I gulp as my eyes meet his and he drops his hand, realizing his mistake.
"Never underestimate yourself. You're so much more than you think you are." He says and I feel butterflies fluttering in my tummy. That's a stupid phrase, actual butterflies hovering around in your stomach would feel so gross. But what I was feeling right now was warm and mushy and I wanted to drown in this feeling.

I smiled and our moment was interrupted when Alastair checked his watch.
"I think we should leave. It's been one hour already since we came here." He says and I start to stand up, collecting my bag.
"I didn't even realize when time passed away." I say and we start walking back towards his bike.

Alastair waves at Stella and the other woman, who I suppose is Dyna. I notice he hasn't paid.
"The bill?" I ask him unsurely as he settles on his bike.
"I come here way too often so I pay all of my dues at the end of the month. Dyna notes it all down." He says and I nod whilst hopping on the pillion seat.

"Don't drive too fast okay?" I say as I fumble around for a rubber band in my bag.
He watches me from the rear view mirror as I gather all my hair and pull it into a ponytail.
"You're safe with me." He says and starts driving as I hold on to his shoulders, trying to decipher the underlying meaning to his words.

The ride back to school is much more comfortable and we reach just five minutes before the bell for the fifth period rings.
I get down and turn to face Alastair.
"Thanks for the outing. It was amazing. And for the coffee and brownies as well." I smile and he cocks his head to the side in the adorable way only he can manage.

"Just amazing?" He asks and I pout.
And then he pouts too, imitating my expression.
That was so so so cute! I giggle like a little schoolgirl and he grins.
"Okay, it was magnificent, enthralling and marvellous. Enough?" I ask and he laughs.
"More than enough."

"I'll see you later then?" I say as I walk towards the other side of the building and he starts heading towards the ground.
"Sure. Have a good day." He says and I turn to walk off, trying not to look back.


After school, I enter the fest office to see everyone already present there. Apologizing under my breathe, I sit on my chair quickly and try to catch up on the conversation.

"But Sassy, please try to understand. Having Gracie backstage will be much better for the man to man chain." John says and Sassy just flicks her nails and shakes her head. Alastair is working on a laptop two seats away and apart from the 'hi' he said when I entered, there was no conversation between us.

"What's the matter? Wasn't I supposed to be at the help desk?" I ask and John shakes his head in frustation.
"Due to some changes from the other working groups, it'll be better if Sassy handles the help desk and you go with the participants." He says and I shrug.

"I'm fine with anything." I say and head off to ask everyone about their budget requirements.

Twenty minutes later when I come back, the situation is still the same. Alastair is still working on his laptop and Sassy and John are still in a discussion. Sassy seems to be imfuriated and I ask John about the conclusion they came to.

John gestures for me to wait and instead asks Sassy, "What's the problem with sitting on the help desk? Spit it out already, will you?"

"Why the hell will I sit at the grisly table in the afternoon? Why can't the nerd do it? That job will suit her better anyways, she'll just weird off all the participants if she's with them." Sassy says haughtily and I gasp.

I want to say something but it's like all the words have died on my tongue. I really need to stand up for myself but right now, I feel tears prick up at the back of my eyes as Sassy glares at me.

There's silence as I pack up all my belongings in a haste and leave. Only when I'm out of the door, I hear John's voice calling out to me but it's too late.

Holding my emotions back, I sit on my scooter and drive off. I think I don't know what I'm so damn upset for, but I think I do. It's for the fact that Alastair didn't say anything for me when I thought we were friends.

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