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Emily Browning as Emily Mortez given above. Happy reading! <3

Alastair's Point Of View.
I paced around the room racking for ideas for Gracie's birthday. Yes, it was 31st August. 6th September was just six days away. And we were given this new project today in class for EVS. Sure, I'll have to work quick and hard for this project today, considering the fact that we had to submit it on 4th of September. What was worse that the teacher assigned partners to us. And the new girl, the one who kept bouncing, Emma, oh no, Emily, yes, she was my partner. She was dumb, doesn't help. Brains and personality had become more important since I'd known Gracie. So no more even looking at other girls. She, however looked extremely happy on becoming my partner. Reminds me, I had to go to the public library to work with her on it today. I take my laptop bag and some essentials and set out to go there.

I park my bike to see that she's already standing there. She's constantly vibrating, it seems, twirling her hair, biting her lips, touching her face. I walk over to her and say,"So yeah let's get started."

She grins immediately and says,"Yeah sure."
We walk in silence and settle down on one of the benches. I remove my notebook and ask her,"So what topic are we gonna choose?" I ask her.
"Are we seriously gonna study?" She asked, making a baby face.

"Umm yeah... That's what we are here for, aren't we?" I ask her with a blank face.
She sighed, chewing her pencil. "I thought this was a chance to know each other better?"

I looked at her even more blankly that before. "Well no. I'm actually concerned about my grades and this doesn't seem like the chance to know people better. If we just discuss this now, you can make your set of slide shows and I can make mine. We'll just need to compile them later on."

"Aww." She said, now thoroughly disappointed. "I was actually interested in hanging out with you."
I sighed, rubbing my temple. "I know where you're going with this Emily, but I have a girlfriend."

She was still looking at me expectantly. "So when are you leaving her? I've heard you're the bad boy of this school. Girls must be coming and leaving just like that!"

I sweared under my breathe. "Emily, I'm in a serious relationship. I love that girl. We've got no chance okay? I just met you for the sake of this project. Hasn't anyone in the school told you about us?" I said slowly, like trying to explain something to a child. She bit her lip. "I don't ask things about a crush to others. Is she from school? What's her name?"

I was about to tell, but then she seemed a lot like Sassy. She might go and harass Gracie, so I said,"I won't reveal the name. But can we please just concentrate on this project?"

She gave me another one of her childish expressions and nodded. We discussed the project for the next one hour.

When I reached home, I saw a text from Gracie.

Where are you? -G

Was at the town library working for the EVS project, sorry, forgot to inform you -A

Ya its okayy.. My partner is Ivy,, whos yours? -G

Emily Mortez, the new girl -A

-_- -G

What?? -A

She has a crush on you, and she's telling that to me of all the people!! -_- -G

XD XD.. She told me, was asking for a chance with me.. -A


Haha chill, I told her I have a gf, not mentioned your name tho, she might trouble you then.. -A

:* :* :* gnsdtc -G

Gn babydoll :* -A

I slept tight after that.

Gracie's Point Of View.
The next day at school, I saw Emily bouncing towards me.

"You know what? Alastair already has a girlfriend, a serious one! Shit man, I lost my chance."

I controlled the urge to smack her on her face and said,"Yeah the whole school knows."

"Can you tell me please who she is? I won't ask anyone else. They'll know about my crush and I can't afford to let people know that I got rejected!" She said, biting her fingernail.

"She has been absent for a few days. Once she comes, I'll show you." I played along.

"Yeah sure. But I'm still trying to charm him you know? And listen by the way, tomorrow I'm throwing a big fat party for everyone at my place and you have to come! Everyone from senior batch is invited. It'll be one awesome welcome party by me, for me!" She giggled and went jumping away, while I just stared after the girl who just said that she'll steal my guy from me.

I went home and called Alastair up. "Are you going to the party tomorrow?"
He perked up excitedly. "Totally man, you're coming with me! She's got this big swimming pool and if I'm not wrong, the latest new gaming console which will be open.." I cut off his ranting. "It's the party of the girl who likes you if I'm not wrong." I said sternly.

He gave off an exasperated tone. "Gracie, do you really think that matters to me? I brushed her off. She's buzzed off now. That doesn't mean we'll spoil our idea of fun."

"But she's still pursuing you!" I almost pleaded.

"And I'm still pushing her away. Now what do you say?"
"Okay. I'm coming tomorrow. 8:00 pm?"
"That's my girl. 8:00 pm sharp."
What a mess had I gotten myself into?

At school, the whole student body was talking about what a great party Emily was going to throw. I myself was getting a tad bit excited for this.
She came over to me during break,"You know Grace! I have a full on awesome plan to get Alastair! It will be at the party tonight!"

Around a trillion nerves in the body, and this girl was managing to get on each one of them. What was her plan now?

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