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It was the start of August now. The days had been extremely beautiful. The nights were spent talking to him. Our relationship was on a great track. For once, people were keeping their minds off us. The exams were also over and today was the last paper. The exams had gone exceedingly well, except for the times when I had started fantasizing about him or drooling over his picture perfect looks. Each day was spent together, cooking together, dancing crazily, singing off tune, pampering him, and it was love, love, love. We had even gone to the church. I wanted to thank God for the beautiful love he had blessed me with. And to keep Alastair happy and prosperous, along with me.

As I started packing my belongings after the exam, feeling upset over messing up the last equation, Alastair walked over to me and picked up my bag. His presence was enough to light up the room. He kissed me on the forehead and said,"Now don't sulk over the last question, babydoll. Even I couldn't solve it." I smiled at how well he knew me. He held my hand and we walked outside. He held both of my hands and said,"Tomorrow will be our first date. I'll pick you up at 7:00 pm sharp. Be ready okay." He winked.

I was filled with butterflies from head to toe. "I challenge you Allie, dress so good, make me shut up."

"Aww Gracie, we'll see to that. I can make you shut up anyways. Stop calling me Allie first."
And he tickled me after that.


The vacations had started. Around 5:30 pm the next day, I called Vanessa to my room. She had sulked at first, but then a sister is a sister. I had bought a navy blue dress a few days back which I wore. Vanessa applied make up. Minimal at it's best. Because too much of it didn't suit me anyways. She tied up my hair in a bun with a few strands hanging down. She also gave me silver coloured heels. It was okay, because he'd still be taller. And when I finally looked into the mirror, I saw that Vanessa was really good. Damn good. I looked quite amazing. I hugged her and kissed her. Little drama queen was finally happy for us.

Alastair arrived right on time. 7:00 pm sharp. I went to the drawing room to see him standing there looking dapper and super fucking dashing in black trousers, black button down and a grey jacket over there. I could have died. Literally died. His brownish golden hair was tousled and messy, his charming grin and oomph worthy body making me drool over him. I wondered how a prince would feel to be seen with a frog like me. Because that's exactly how I felt, like a frog.

I cleared my throat as I stepped on full view of him. He was handing over a bouquet of flowers to my mother then, who looked at him appreciatively.

His eyes flickered over to me and that smile disappeared right of his face. I looked at my outfit. It was prim and proper. Then what was he staring at at? I walked over to him and he hastily bid goodbye to my mother. I linked my arm through his and we walked over to his car. He whispered in my ear the moment we were out,"Stunning as always."
"You too Mr. Kerr." He blushed. Utterly adorable.
We sat in the car. "Where did you get the car?" I asked him.

"Borrowed it from Uncle Tom. One day, we'll buy our own car, our house and live happily ever after with two little kids."
I reddened like crazy. And was also shocked. This was the first time that he was hinting that we might have a future. I was happy.

He continued,"And yes, the flat has been completed. The paintwork, electricity, maintenance and finances have been cleared. We just have to set things up."
There was silence. I spoke up though. "Two kids as in twins?"
"You want twins? I'll try to do that." He said with a sly smirk.
I mock punched him.

He stopped in front of a fancy restaurant. I got down and looked it over. He held my hand and we reached the top floor, the terrace. A waiter walked upto us. "Ms. Hyde and Mr. Kerr? This way please." I walked up behind him. Oh my gosh.
A candle light dinner.

I smiled up at Alastair and he pulled the chair behind so that I could sit. He sat across from me.
The waiter came. He gave the order. "Steak and meatballs for me and Gracie, a salad for you?"
I scrunched my nose. "Yikes no. Steak and meatballs for me also."
Alastair raised his eyebrows. "Really different. Most of the girls I know don't even eat in front of guys."
I waved away. "I don't care Allie."

"You call me that one more time and I swear I'll call you... Umm.. Gracia!"
I gimaced, "Okay sorry, I won't call you Allie."
"Hmm, good girl."
The food arrived and we ate it all and had loads of fun.

Later as he paid the bill and went down, Alastair put on songs on full volume and we both sang along like idiots. The windows were pulled down and the wind was blowing at full speed. He stopped near a deserted beach. We got down. "Remove your heels." I did as told and he also crunched up his trousers. We walked over to the beach holding hands. "Look up." He said. I tilted my head upwards. And woah, it was a sky full of dazzling stars. I move ahead while he stood there. "Oh Alastair, this is absolutely gorgeous."
"Not more than you." He said.

He came up from behind and held my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "I hope you know how crazy I am for you." I could feel the heat from his body seeping into mine. Each word of his reverberating into my body, setting it into pleasurable vibrations. And we both looked up at the sky, staring at the stars, and I felt special. Loved. Wanted. Completed. Because I don't know what love is if this isn't.

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