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Two days had gone by. I was ignoring him. It hurt like hell. I could see the pain in his eyes. But I needed time to think. What was I even doing? Running away from the only guy I've ever loved? I was hurting myself. So that day when he called, I picked up the phone.
"Gracie?" He breathed heavily into the phone.

My heart broke merely by hearing that voice. "Alastair."
"Grace, baby, please, one chance?" He almost pleaded.
"Alastair. I love you. I mean it when I say it. And there's nothing I want more than you right now."
"Then why are you doing this?" He asked.
"Because I feel betrayed. You hid a big part of your life from me. Can I trust you? Will what happened then, not happen again? What is the guarantee?"
"You don't trust me?"
"You didn't trust me enough to tell me all this."
"I didn't want to lose you."
"Well you are losing me now, aren't you?"
"You should stay away Gracie. That's right. Dad was right. I don't deserve anyone. No family, no friends. You shouldn't even be here with me."
"Alastair no..."

I went to the drawing room and saw mom sitting there. I kept my head in her lap.
"Grace, what's wrong sweetheart?" She asked me while running a hand through my tresses.
I told her everything.

"Do you think that's the entire truth?" She asked me.
"Mom, he called up to explain and that's how he ended the conversation, without actually explaining anything."
I said.
"Do you think you're doing what's right? Like, are you doing your duty as a girlfriend?" She asked.

I tilted my head to look at her. "As in?" I asked her confused, playing with the locket around my neck.
"It is your duty to stick the pieces when he's broken, hold him when everyone's leaving and stand with him through the storm." She said.
"Mom, it's difficult to forgive. Yes, I love him, but the question isn't about love anymore. It's about trust and what our future holds." I said.

"Gracie, people don't fall in love with looks, perfection or similarities. They fall in love with common interests, common wounds and the level of brokenness. He connected to you. You've to connect to him too."

I got up after that. I went to my room and lay down. God, I missed him. I know what might be hurting him now. Leaving someone without any reason, what hurts more is thinking that they aren't even worth an explanation. I was feeling exhausted. Fighting a war inside your head, if that's not exhausting, I don't know what is. Isn't it ironic, how we tell others to stay strong, but we can't do it ourselves? I could actually feel my heart breaking. There was a pain in the chest. I loved him with every piece of my soul, and I guess that's why it felt so empty now.

Alastair's Point Of View.
The distance was killing me now. First heartbreak. I don't even know if we were together anymore or not. But that doesn't matter, because she's here in my heart. How dangerous it is, to finally find someone worth being scared to lose. I wasn't calling her. I was right all along. I should never have said that I loved her. I truly did not deserve her. Uncle Tom knew about it. There was a text from him.

No matter how unaccomplished you feel, how unacttractive you think you are or how unworthy you think you are for love, don't be surprised if someone loves you. That's like believing that light is incapable of entering a dark room through a broken window and lighting it up.
Go get her.

No good words were going to work now. Had I given up on her, no. I just wished I could see her now. I should be out there, trying to convince her. But what will I even say? I wasn't even ready to face her. I anyways set out. It was raining heavily. Rain gives lonely people like me a chance to be touched. And that's the reason sad people love the rain. Atleast they're no longer crying alone. I rode my bike at top speed, the rain lashing against my face. I stood near the back window, I knew she was sitting by the window, watching the rain, thinking about me. I texted her.

Come near the window. -A

Why? Don't tell me you're here. -G

Well yea I am. -A

Oh my... -G

And then she appeared near the window. Looking beautiful as ever. She immediately moved away from the window. A few minutes later, she emerged from the door and came near me. I was soaking wet. She took me inside her umbrella. She had a shawl wrapped around her. Her hair was open. But her eyes, they told me that she'd been crying since a while. Can't you take people's pain away?

"Alastair why are you getting wet? You know you catch cold very quick." She whispered.

Yeah, here was this girl who was caring about me after all I put her through.

"Gracie I love you. Are we together?"
I asked.
She was a bit taken aback by my question, and she scratched her eyebrow, like she does when she thinks deeply. "I don't know. I love you. And that's probably one thing I can never undo."

"Do you regret us?"
"Not even once."
"About Audrey... It was a mistake."
"Some mistakes prove to be fatal Alastair."
"I know. And I'm sorry. Really sorry. But won't you at least hear the entire story once, from my side?"
"I know the entire story."
"You don't know my side."
"Will that change things?"
"It might."
"Alastair, I need time okay. Next week, I'll come to you. Till then just let me think okay?"
"So go home and have a hot shower."
"I will. And you go and sleep. You have beautiful eyes, don't stay awake at night, sleep will come to you, just stop thinking about me."

She gave me a weak smile and walked inside. And I was alone in this big world once again.

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