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I was sitting on my bed after coming home. I took out my diary and a pencil and shut the door. If anyone sees me doing this, they'll think I'm crazy. I start making a list.

Signs that Gracie likes Alastair:
1) Alastair is the only thing on Gracie's mind.
2) Gracie looks for reasons to see Alastair, to talk to him.
3) Gracie isn't paying attention to her work lately.
4) She feels illogical things like butterflies in her stomach, extra loud beating of her heart and other symptoms.
5) Gracie blushes on Alastair's mention or when he looks at her.
6) Gracie has started caring for him.
7) She wants to spend more time with Alastair.

I read it over again. Not bad. I managed to conjure all the signs. It's very nerdy and feelings aren't justified this way, I know. But this was what I had learned and what I was best at. Making notes and all things related to studying. Now, I'll write down all the reasons why Melissa is wrong. Probably because,

Reasons why Alastair will never like Gracie:
1) They're opposites. Alastair is smoking hot while Gracie is just plain.
2) Gracie is boring, doesn't know how to party or be cool.
3) She isn't confident, flirty or sassy like Sassy.
4) Tall boys like short girls. Gracie is almost as tall as Alastair.
5) Gracie lacks in any sort of grace or charm.
6) Gracie is stupid. Like imagine making lists for something as trivial as crushes!
7) Gracie goes unnoticed most of the time.

So the score is equal. Seven reasons for both. Judge me all you want but this method has helped me figure all of it out. Just a crush. It will fade away. I keep saying this to myself as I fall asleep. Alastair can never like me.


The next day at school, I meet Melissa near my locker.
"Had a good time figuring out your feelings? You must have noted it down and all." She joked. My ears turned red, she didn't how much of truth she was speaking.

"Shut up. And please don't mention anything in front of him." I hiss and she just gives me a naughty grin. Oh god, I hope she doesn't go and tell him. I can then forget about coming to this school happily ever again.

"Ahem." She says as her eyes land on someone behind me and I stiffen. Shit, is Alastair here? I silently plead with my eyes but Melissa continues to ignore me. I hate her at times like these.

"Hey Roland, where is Alastair?" She casually asks and I let out a sigh of relief. Roland is one of Alastair's football mates, I've seen them together often. I glare at her before straightening up.

"I don't know." He shrugs as he nonchalantly continues to chew on his gum. Melissa offers him a charming smile and he gives her back his own before walking away. I always used to think that Mel was a flirt, with her grins and winks. But once I got to know her, I realized that it was all a part of her charm. It's just the way she was, she didn't have to try. She spoke like that to everyone.

"I'll leave now. I hope you don't pull any stunts." I tell her and she just gives me an innocent look.
"Trust me Gracie. Whatever it may seem like, I won't get you into any trouble." She says sincerely and I give her a side hug before gathering all of my books into my arms and walking towards my class.

As I turn about the corner, I see Alastair looming around there. He has one hand in his pocket and is running the other one through his hair, messing it up even more, making it better. He looks...nervous? I calm my thudding heart and keep walking when he notices me. As our eyes meet, I feel my heart run a million miles per minute. It's like accepting my feelings towards him has just made me like him even more.

"Hey Gracie." He gives me a lazy grin and my heart flutters.
"Hello Alastair."
"How are you?"
"I'm doing good. You?"
"Oh I'm fine."
Why are we having this stupid conversation?

He clears his throat and I look at his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. It's so attractive. I need to stop checking him out like that. It's not decent.
"So Stuart is hosting a party this Saturday. Since he's not attending school until Friday and he doesn't have your number, he told me to inform you about it. He's your friend, right? He invited you to his place." He says nervously and I wring my fingers together as I think.

A party? It will be a typical teenage scene. It's not like I haven't seen one before, it's just not what I like. Vanessa goes to parties like these all the times and I sometimes accompany her till the doorstep. There's just too much of crowd and booze. It's not safe as well. It was really sweet of Stuart to think about me but I can't go.

"Sorry Alastair, but I can't come. It's just not what I prefer. Tell Stuart that I'm glad he extended the invitation to me, but I just won't be able to make it." I explain apologetically and his face falls.

"Please Gracie, I know what you think about parties like these but it's Stuart's house and I'll also be there. W-He'll be really happy if you come."

He said the last word so nicely that I just couldn't bring it in me to say no to him. Why was he so adamant on taking me along anyways? Maybe Stuart told him to get me at any cost. Or do they pity me? The thought brings some doubts to me but I smile nonetheless.

"Okay, I'll come. Just tell me the timing and Stuart's address later on. I should get going." I say as I look into his hazel eyes which now hold happiness.

I'll just get Stuart's number from somewhere and call him up to cancel. I'll be so lost over there and I don't want to make a fool of myself. Problem solved. Now I-

"Gracie?" Alastair calls out.
"Yes?" I turn.
"Will you be my date for tomorrow's party?"

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