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Given above is Gracie in the dress and her dress by it's side. At the bottom, there's Alastair in his formal clothing. Happy reading. <3
___________________________I stared open mouthed at him from over the stadium. People turned and looked at me, waiting for an answer. This is the best, best promposal ever! I remember waiting for a guy to ask me out during junior prom and I eventually did not go because no one asked me. But now this wonderful man has, that too, in front of a fucking stadium.
How I love you Alastair.

I nodded. Everyone erupted in cheers. He threw me a flying kiss. I made a gesture of catching it. He laughed.
I was officially going with him to my senior prom.

Alastair's Point Of View.
I'm glad to make her happy. The look on her face was priceless. Everyone knew of my plan, except for her. Even Melissa, so that she can handle it if Grace becomes speechless. But my girl handled in pretty well.

I wore my shoes and looked at myself in the mirror. Pretty stunning. Yeah, I am a man of self esteem, not arrogance. The only validation I need is from Grace.

I start up my new car, an Audi. Yes it was worth a fortune, but it's second hand. Still shines like new though. The man at the garage gave it to me for lesser since I've worked for him in the past. I drive it to meet Grace.

I stop in front of her house. Getting down, I walk into her house. Mrs. Hyde opens the door.

"You look so handsome Alastair." She gushes and hugs me. I love these motherly hugs. Something I never got after separating. A thought of my own mother flits through my head. I miss her.

"Where's Grace?" I ask.
"So excited huh Alastair." Vanessa pipes up from somewhere.
I scratch my head. "Actually." I wink at her.

She blushes. So Grace isn't the only one who is affected by me. Looks like blushing runs in this family.

I wait impatiently near the door as Vanessa eyes me speculatively. I don't think she approved of me. My bad boy reputation maybe. But hey, who cares? Her sister already loves me and that's all I need.

I hear the click of heels from the corridor. I hold my breathe and wait for the beauty to adorn my eyes. She's wearing a tiara, while the rest of her hair falls around her shoulders. The dress looks even more amazing now. It's perfect on her. She's done some dark make up to her eyes while her lips remain bare. Those lips. Sigh. She smiles then, and I just kinda lose it. I release my breathe.

"This dress looks good on me I think." She says, once she's in my proximity. "You make this dress look good." I say.
She becomes red over mint green.

I take permission from her mom and we head towards the car.
"You look hot Kerr." She says.
"Well thanks Hyde. Now look at what I was about to show you." I say, motioning towards the car.
"It's yours?" She asks amazed.
I nod.

"Oh god, I'm so happy for you." She squeals and kisses me.
I usher her in and play the music.
"Little things hmm." She says.
I remember New Year's night and smile at her. She grins back. A pocketful of memories, just with her.

We get down from the car as I stop in front of the school. I'm gonna miss the Presidency. So many beautiful moments spent here. And a gift for life, I thought looking at Gracie.

I offered her my hand which she took, hooking her arm with mine. We walked in.

Gracie's Point Of View.
There were colourful lights of multiple hues splaying around. It looked like a mini disco area. It was actually our farewell. Nostalgic feelings rose within me. We're no longer belonging to this school.

I see Mel across the corner. She's wearing a black dress which ends near her knees and she looks really pretty. Roland is around and they both are laughing. I cautiously look around if I can see Albert. He is nowhere to be seen. Mel comes to me and hugs the life out of me. Ivy is also hanging around. She's wearing a white frilly dress which puffs out. She looks like a doll.

I go upto them. A lot of pictures are being clicked. People are making the most of it, taking as many pictures as  they can with everyone from the crowd.
I see a guy with a mask coming up to me. He stands before me and asks,"Mind if I have this dance?"
I look over at Alastair who's scowling in our direction.

"I'd like that mask off though." I say.
He laughs. "You let your boyfriend control you a lot."
I glare at him. "Excuse me?"
"Oh, don't get me wrong. It's just that, you seek permission from him for everything, you don't do things if he doesn't like it and you don't even question his motives."
So now a stranger will come and tell me about my boyfriend.

"His approval matters. I don't believe in cheating on him in any way. And please stop trying to tell me about my own relationship. We're under no obligation to make sense to you."
"Don't get all defensive. Come on, you can have one dance with me atleast."

A firm hand suddenly clasps his shoulder from behind. Stuart York and Roland Anderson. They keep his arm around him and suddenly he seems to be very nervous.

"Let's talk away from the ladies, shall we?" Stuart says in mock sweetness.
Alastair comes grinning upto me.
"Such a jealous boyfriend you are Kerr."

He trails a finger along my lip. "Territorial baby, territorial"

I roll my eyes. "Who was he though?"
"Didn't you recognize? Your own Romeo, Levi Martin." He scoffs.
I gasp. "He reached here also? How did he get in?"

"Some sort of contacts. Roland and Stuart will handle him, apparently he tried to flirt with Melissa also. Roland won't definitely take that."

"Does possessiveness run in your friend circle?"
"Yeah. What's ours is ours. End of story."

"And by the way, he's not my Romeo, you are."
"Yuck. I don't want a Romeo and Juliet love story."
"Why is that so?"
"Oh yeah, so you want a love affair which lasts only 4 days, yet most of the family members including Romeo and Juliet die at the end."
"Aargh. Don't go into technicalities."

"I'm not. The story is fucked up. True love doesn't mean dying without the other. It means living even when you don't have your loved one by your side. What's love for if it doesn't make you stronger?"
"I didn't know you could be so philosophical."
"Neither did I. Love does strange things to people."
"You're so perfect it annoys me."
"Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Live the rest of our lives with someone whom we can annoy forever?"

"I know I love you when I feel the need to hit you two times a day."
"Dance with me babydoll?"
Why will I ever miss that chance?"
"Going bold and blazing, Miss Hyde?"
"Have to keep up with you, Mr. Kerr."

He leads me to the dance floor and we sway lightly to the music. I look into his eyes, searching for the words he never says. I kept my head on his chest. He chuckled, his low voice vibrating through me. I smile against his suit. He is the best fragrance. And he's mine!

Once the dance is over, we meet our teachers and have dinner. Our teachers were good. Or maybe to me. I was always considered a good student. All of them loved me.

The night passed away. Alastair dropped me home and kissed me passionately against the steering wheel. Containing my blush, I staggered in the house.

"Gracie!" A man emerged from the door.
"Dad?" I whispered.

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