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When the bell for break rings, I call up Melissa and she tells me to join her in the cafeteria. She said Albert will be there too. Well, there goes whatever girls' day we were going to have.

I reach the centre table and sit down there. As I said earlier, we don't have a particular table hierarchy here. Anyone can sit wherever they want.
"Hey Mel." I say as she still hasn't noticed me there.
"Hi Grace." She blows me a kiss and goes back to pulling Albert's cheek.

I see they've already taken their lunch so I pull out the burger I had got along to avoid the cold cafeteria food.
We're sitting in silence when I see the whole cheerleading squad walking over to us, accompanied by the football team. There is Astrid, Paolo, Merrie, Spencer and of course, Sassy. They stop at our table and give menacing looks to each of us.

"Melissa, can we speak to you? Alone." Paolo speaks up as the rest of the cafe is dead silent. Everyone is looking at us and I hate the attention, even though it isn't directed at me.

"No. Whatever it is, the matter should be cleared in front of everyone." Sassy pipes in, rushing forwards, obviously wanting the spotlight to herself. It was very clear that she wanted everyone to see the matter. It's like she wants her daily dose of attention.

"Just because you broke up with us, that doesn't mean that you spread shit about the girls in our group." Paolo says and Melissa stands up.
"I don't know what you guys are talking about." She says, looking pointedly at the group.

"Of course you do. You're the bitch who spread the nasty rumour." Sassy says and Albert and I stand up.
"Shut up Sassy, don't talk to her like that. She isn't like you." Albert spits out and I want to laugh. That's very silly of me when the matter at hand is so serious, but Albert's outburst was funny. I look down at my burger. Absolute waste of good food.

"Fuck off. Now Melissa, just say what you did already." Sassy twirls a strand of hair around her index finger as she waits for us to say something. My gaze falls upon Astrid who is standing behind everyone else and crying. She is trying to control her sobs, but they keep getting louder.

"Okay, I don't know what the hell you people are talking about nor do I want to know anything about it. I said what I wanted to, now can you all please leave?" Mel says, almost tired. I admire her for not giving in and facing fire with fire. If I would have been in her place, I would have cried or not been able to say anything.

"She's lying." Sassy turns around and says to everyone and the group just looks on. Most of the football players and cheerleaders aren't even interested. They're simply watching the drama unfold and some of them are consoling Astrid.

Paolo and Astrid are the star couple of our school. Not only have they stuck together since sophomore year, they make a great pair. Two gorgeous, popular people. He's the football team captain and she's the head cheerleader. In high school, that's the ultimate couple. Or the good girl-bad boy combination, which never works in real life.

"She's not lying. Can you atleast tell us what's wrong?" Albert says very politely and I feel kind of useless standing there. I mean, everyone has a role over here. Everyone is saying something, is involved in the situation in some way. As for me, I'm just the ex popular girl's best friend. I hate myself at times like these. I can't even say something for my best friend! I wish I was more courageous.

"You really don't know?" Paolo cocks an eyebrow at him and Melissa just shakes her head frantically. I shift towards Mel and place my hand on her's. Atleast I can support provide her some comfort this way, let her know that I'm here for her.

Merrie, the girl who had been holding Astrid uptil now came upto us. She always seemed like the more mature one.
"Apparently, someone has spread a rumour about Astrid that she's pregnant with Paolo's child." With that, there are audible gasps all over the cafe and whispers start. Even my mouth drops open and I could practically feel Mel shudder.

"Obviously, that's not true. And Sassy here tells us that the one who started all this is you, Melissa. What do you have to say about that? Please tell us the truth, Astrid's reputation has taken a blow for no reason at all and the false news has even reached her parents which is causing a lot of problems at her home." Merrie finishes in her composed manner and Melissa sighs in exasperation.

"Why will I do that? I don't have anything against Astrid. Why are you all ganging up against me?" She says in annoyance and Sassy scoffs.
"Because you're a jealous hag. Ever since you started going out with your geeky boyfriend, we've isolated you, so you had to do something to get back at us, isn't it?" Sassy says and I want to jump on her. She's seriously crossing all her limits. What's up with all the insults anyways? She seems like the jealous hag over here.

"Do not speak to her like that, I repeat, Cassandra." Albert grits through his teeth and Sassy just smirks.
"Can we please sit and talk about this?" Surprisingly, this voice is mine. I had to say something, things were getting out of hand. If I hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have been able to face my own self.

"What will you say nerdie?" Sassy smirks at me again.
I'm about to say something when I hear someone speak up from behind me.
"They don't need to say anything. Because I'm here to speak for them."

Everyone turns around to see who is the owner of the deep, husky voice. The same voice which I've grown to love. The same voice which can heal my heart. I don't turn around, I already know the owner of that voice.



Dedicated to Nida Hussaini for being awesome and making me feel like the best writer ever.

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