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Alastair opened the car door for me and I carefully sat inside. It was a cozy, black coloured car. Soft music was playing and the smell of lemon floated around the compact space. Alastair entered from the other side and I spoke up,"This is a nice car you have."

"It's not mine. I borrowed it from a friend. I don't own a car." He said and I realized I how stupid I am. If he works at a restaurant to pay his dues, stays at a dorm and is the only one working for himself, obviously he can't own a car.

"It's nice." I say, to cover up my stupidity and he just smiles.
"Where is Stuart's house?" I ask after a few moments of silence.
"Not far from your's. We'll reach in around ten minutes more." He says and I nod.

"Who taught you to drive?" I asked him and he looked at me again.
"I used to work as a mechanic at a garage until a few months back. They taught us how to drive."

"Even I want to learn. I only know how to drive a scooter."

"I can teach you."

"You will?"

"I would love to. Maybe after the festival?"

"Sure." I was giddy with excitement. Ever since I started liking him, I was afraid that once the fest will get over, he won't be around me anymore. There won't be any reasons to talk and I might realize that we were never friends. Just co-workers. I know it is dangerous for me, but I want him to stick around a bit longer.

We talked a bit more about random stuff till we stopped in front of a huge mansion. Alastair looks a bit nervous today, he isn't even meeting my eyes like he usually does.

He opens the door for me and I adjust my dress as I get down. I catch him looking at me from the corner of his eye and I blush.
"May I?" He asks as he holds out his hand near the gate.
"You may." I link my arm through his and smile. The charming Alastair I like is back.

The party scene is exactly how I expected it to be. Everyone is holding red glasses in their hands and hanging out, either chatting or making out. As we enter the door, I see makeshift lights splaying around and everyone gyrating to the DJ's music. The smell of sweat and alcohol overpowers my nose but thank God, the party is nothing like the ones where people go absolutely crazy. There is at least space for walking about.

Alastair leads me towards the bar and he prefers to stand as I settle down on a stool.
"Do you drink?" He asks me as the bartenders waits for us.
"No." My cheeks flush as I shake my head.
"That's good to know. Even I don't." He says and orders fresh lime soda for us.

"You don't? You've been to a lot of parties, you never drink?" I ask out of curiousity.
"I tried once during Freshman year. I puked all over the dance floor, I hate it ever since. It's good to meet someone who doesn't have issues saying no to alcohol." He says and red rushes to my cheek. I'm always blushing around him, how silly is that!

He grins like he knows what's going in my mind and I concentrate on the drink. Stuart appears out of nowhere and slaps his back.
"Alastair, you made it bro!" He gives him some sort of a man hug and then he turns to me.
"Gracie. I honestly didn't expect to see you here, but I'm glad." He smiles and I shake his hand before asking him,"What is this party for?"

Stuart looks between me and Alastair before he bursts out laughing. Alastair just looks down at me adoringly and shakes his head.
"Senior year is filled with parties like these. You don't need a reason. You just throw them to have fun and chill out." He says and I'm grateful he doesn't make fun of me.

"I have to go over to the other side now and even score a girl for tonight. So I'll see you guys later." He winks at us and walks away.
I stand up to keep the glass on the other side of the bar when Alastair's hand brushes against mine. He moves it away and I feel like the skin is on fire. Blame it on the hormones.

A skimpily clad girl with cleavage pouring out makes her way towards us. She squeals and jumps on Alastair as soon as she sees him and I try not to cringe. He doesn't hold her back and she pretends not to notice as she ignores me and asks him flirtily,"Let's have some fun tonight?"

I openly cringe at that but then Alastair places his arm on the small of my back, a touch which drives me crazy and turns to look at her.
"Sorry but I'm taken for tonight."

She finally looks at me and shrugs, clearly thinking that it's Alastair's loss for choosing me over her. I'm about to say something to him when a guy calls him from the other side. He groans and motions to me with his hand that he'lp be back in five minutes. I smile and assure him to go on.

I look around and realize what a complete misfit I am. I'll never be as gorgeous as those girls over ther scoring guys. I'll never be confident to stand in the centre of the disc and dance like no one's watching. I'll never be so many things I want to be. I don't even belong here. A girl like me should stay at home and read books. Not all of us are supposed to be hot and have charm.

"Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?" A male voice disrupts my thoughts and I abruptly turn around.

A guy of medium build, shaggy dirty blonde hair stands there. He is good looking, but not as handsome as Alastair. Gosh, why am I comparing everyone with him?

"2008 wants it's pick up line back." I retort from what I'd once read in a book about an arrogant girl and a boy who loves her.
The guy however seems to find it funny and starts laughing.
"Smart mouth." He says and then I look at Alastair stalking towards us from behind him.

"Levi Martin." He introduces himself and I shake his hand politely. "Gracie Hyde."

"Alastair Kerr." Alastair says from behind him and Levi turns around. My date doesn't look pleased. At all.
"Haha, I know you man." Levi laughs, even though he seems slightly intimidated. Alastair keeps his hand on my back once again.

"Gracie is with me tonight." He says and Levi takes that as a signal and laughs.
"Gracie didn't mention that. Anyways, have fun you two!" He says and shrinks away.

Alastair seems to know him and it didn't look like they liked each other. I want to ask him but I'm too busy revelling in the moment when he claimed that I'm with him. No guy has ever made me feel wanted like that. Ever.

He suddenly steps in front of me with a twinkle in his beautiful, deep set eyes.
"Gracie, will you dance with me?"

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