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I wake up around nine in the evening. I wipe the drool off the side of my face. Why didn't anyone wake me up? My tummy growls. I haven't had anything to eat since break in school. I go to kitchen and pull out a tub of icecream from the freezer. Dipping my spoon in it, I check my phone to see ten missed calls from an unknown number. Curiousity clawing within me, I dial the number.

After two rings, someone picks up.
"Gracie." A deep, husky voice flows out and I gulp. I like how he takes my name. Not like silk or chocolate or softly. He says it in a raw manner, darkly, so that a shiver runs down my spine.

There's silence for a while. I like how I can hear his steady breathes. I love to listen to silence.
"What's the problem?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." I deny, playing with the hem of my pillow cover.

"Why did you leave when I told you to wait? Was something wrong or did you ditch me?" His voice is calmer now.
"I had to come home."
"I just had to."

"Gracie, something is up. Please tell me. You ignored my previous phone calls as well."
"I was sleeping."
"Huh? A girl can't sleep?"

"That wasn't the time to sleep. You must have been upset about something."
How smart is he?
"I'll ask you a question. Please be honest."
"Are you using me? Like, will you just play around with me and throw me off then? Is this some kind of game?" I blurt out and he takes a sharp intake of a breathe, accompanied by a pause.

And then he bursts out laughing. He actually laughs, a full blown laughter, complete with heaving breathes and grunts. Even though the sound is my favourite music in the whole world, I am annoyed.
"How could you even think like that?" He asks after he's completed his quota of chuckles.

"It is a theory. You would've thought the same thing if you'd have been in my place."
"I wouldn't. Where do you bring all these thoughts from?"
"Tell me, why do you hang out with me? I'm not a nerd and I do have a life, but that doesn't mean that I'm as popular as you. You are so loved and revered, while no one even cares if I exist."

"I do care about you." He says quietly.
"Let's pretend that you do-"
"I actually do!" His voice raises a little bit and I smile a little before I continue.
"Okay but what about the others? I don't even have many friends. Just being there at the match surrounded by people who are literally your fans, made me feel so little."
He is quiet for a while. Probably agreeing with whatever I said.

"Gracie why are you so insecure? A girl like you, you have nothing to feel sad about." He says and I lick my lips idly.
"I don't know. It's just that, all the girls are so beautiful, so confident. I haven't even recieved any attention from guys since seventeen years of my existence. Not that it's important, but it bothers me y' know? I'm too ordinary."

"Grace, you don't know how very special you are. I think you're beautiful."
"I don't want sympathy Alastair. Can we please change the topic?"

"No, listen to me. You are beautiful. And I'm not saying this because I pity you. You don't look at yourself, I look at you, others look at you. And Grace, you really don't know what we see. Your brown eyes, your lovely hair and the best smile I've ever seen. It's not only about looks Grace, you're so smart. You have wonderful thoughts, so different from other's. When you talk, it's like listening to someone so mature, but you still hold that childlike innocence. Don't ever let go of your innocence, it is what makes you unique. Not many people possess that. You're a wonderful girl Grace, I wish you could see that. But it's okay even if you don't, I'll hold up the mirror as long as you want me to."

My breathe hitches in my throat. I'd heard words have the power to make or break. I'd seen people breaking, but never had I thought that they'll make me up too. No one has ever made me feel this good about myself.

"Thank you." My voice cracks.
"Don't thank me. I was just telling you the truth. Did you have dinner?"
"Nope. I wasn't hungry. I just ate icecream."
"You really should eat. Anyways, did you enjoy today?"

"Yes, it's really a pleasure to watch you play Mr. Kerr. You were wonderful on the field."
"It was a pleasure to have you watch me, Ms. Hyde. I'm wonderful in other fields as well."

I gasp. It's almost eleven now. His testesterone must be racing.
"Are you being naughty Mr. Kerr?"
"I was talking about baseball and throwball. I play those well too. Are you being hormonal, Ms. Hyde?" He says innocently and I stuff my face in my pillow.

"You're vicious."
He laughs. "I am. Don't try to act too innocent Grace. For all we know, you might be reading erotica right now."

I bite my lip. Conversations do get way too personal around midnight. I flop down so that I'm staring at my ceiling. I extend one hand to shut off the lights.

We talked for the next two hours constantly. I didn't have to hold my tongue or think about something before I said it. I could just be me. Alastair was growing on me, and I loved every moment of it.

After two, I yawned.
"We should keep the phone down if we want to come to school tomorrow."
"You hang up first."
"No you do it."
"You suggested to stop talking."
"That's unfair. You were the one who was calling, now you keep it down."
"Okay we'll do it together."
"Okay. On the count of three."
We burst out laughing. And I don't remember who kept the phone first because I fell asleep talking to him, laughing with him.


Dedicated to Aditi Shetty for being sexy. Hehe.

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