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This song was suggested to me by @My_Nirvana who told me it will suit the entire story very well. I think it suits this particular chapter very nicely so do listen to it. The song is 'Stole my heart' by One Direction.


"Definitely." I gush and he smiles before holding my hand and leading me towards the dance floor. I see Stuart showing him a thumbs-up from where he is standing next to the DJ. A slow song starts playing and at that exact moment everyone starts lining up with their respective partners.

All of this is so surreal, it seems like a fairytale. I would have never thought that I'll actually stand with Alastair Kerr in a high school party, with his hands on my waist and his eyes in my eyes. It's all happened so suddenly and so unexpectedly, I don't know what to make out of it. Maybe the best moments are the ones where we don't actually understand anything, but just go with the flow because we've never felt anything like it before.

This kind of intimacy was new to me and I didn't want to mess up so I kept looking at my feet.

"Gracie?" Alastair softly breathes.
"Yes?" I meet his gaze, his deep eyes speaking volumes. How can someone be so breathtaking?
"You look stunning today." He says and I'm glad it's dark here because I'm very sure that I look like a tomato right now.

"Even you look good." I mutter and he laughs. The sound of his laughter tickles me and reverberates deep down my spine.
"You don't have to pay back the compliment if I say something nice to you."

"But I mean it." I assure him and he gives me a cute look. The one where you purse your lips and narrow your eyes and act as if you're thinking.
"You know I like you without any make up and all Grace. You look good in school." He blurts out and I am at a loss for words. All we're doing is swaying to the music and his hands on my back feel enticingly good. I'm already tall, I'm wearing heels yet he towers a few inches above me. I love that fact.

"Are you flirting with me, Mr. Kerr?" I ask him to divert the subject off me.
"I don't need to Ms. Hyde, you've already fallen for my charms." He replies with equal vigour. I laugh but at the same time I tense up. Does he know I like him?

"I'm not your regular girl Mr. Kerr. You'll need more tricks than what you usually use." I say and he raises his eyebrows.
"What do I need to do to win you over?" He asks and I shrug.
"All you need to do is pray, hope and keep trying forever."

When the music beat changes, he, all of a sudden, turns me around and drops me so I fall right into his arms. That was smooth, I actually thought I'll slip.
"You've fallen for me Ms. Hyde, but don't worry, I've caught you."

I laugh loudly. God, he is so adorable!
"I did not mean that literally Alastair!" He laughs too and we go back to the table. Some other people from school join us and we have conversation. It's not so bad. I'm getting to know a lot of people and spend time with someone whose company I love.

Around 10:04, Alastair whispers near my ear,"I think we should leave."
I nod and bid goodbye to all those present around here.
We step out in the cold air and walk towards the parking lot.

Once we're in the warmth of his car, I play with the bracelet on my wrist and he starts driving.
"You know, I don't understand something. You never noticed me all of our school life and now we're kind of friends in our senior year." I voice out my thoughts and he sighs.

"I always noticed you Grace. Right from our freshman year, but I didn't talk to you. I was more involved in football, popularity and other girls." He says and I look outside the window.

"Do you mind me asking how many girlfriends have you had?" I ask him and he shrugs.
"I never counted. Many. I guess even Sassy for a few weeks." He says like it's no big deal and I gape at him.

"Few weeks? What do you mean, you were never serious? Those girls might have loved you." I blabber and he pulls the gear hard. He really concentrates while driving.

"Firstly, I never fell in love nor did any other girl ever fall for me. I always knew. They just enjoyed being Alastair Kerr's girlfriend and the popularity that came with it. And I liked having a pretty girl on my arm. Believe me or not, but I never really liked a girl." He says and I so badly want to ask him about Audrey Cabot but I let it be. I'm not so close to him to ask personal questions.

"You won't ever fall in love with someone?" I ask him and he turns to wink at me.
"I might be soon, who knows?" He grins and I feel a flutter in my tummy. Shut out your emotions Grace, maybe he doesn't like you. There are many hot girls surrounding him. I don't like that thought.

"Grace we're here." He says and I get down. Coming near his window, I place my hands on the ledge.
"Thank you so much Alastair, I had loads of fun today." I say sincerely and he grins.
"Thank you for coming today."
I say and unsurely back off slowly. I don't want the night to end, I haven't had enough of him yet. As I turn around, he calls out.

"Grace, can I have your number?" He asks and I smile. He hands me his phone and I open it. It's a beaten down phone with no password. I feel for him, he works so hard to get what so many teens take for granted. I save my number as Grace and hand it back to him. He didn't seem embarassed about showing his phone and I found it nice, he doesn't feel the need to be something else in front of me.

"Take care." He says and I wave shyly as I walk off. I reach near the door and stop to turn around, he still doesn't leave. I open the door and stand near the window, he doesn't budge. Only after I switch off the lights and pull the curtains locking the door firmly, I hear a car whirring away. I blush to myself. How protective. For once, I felt safe with a stranger.


The last scene where Alastair doesn't leave till Gracie is inside is inspired from a Mill's and Boon's book. Credits to the author.

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