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Howard Speaks.
I've come home in a huff, but I can see what all that was about. To be very honest, the fault is all mine. I'm not accepting it. I've loved a lot. And I loved Nicole. She meant a lot to me. I just don't want to accept that she left me for another guy. It's a matter of ego. Male ego and female hearts, they both are very fragile. Alastair might be have been a jock, but in our case, my girlfriend went chasing him. I've lived with this fact for all these years, but I've denied it anyways.

Which guy will want his girl to go rushing to someone else? Was I not good enough? Couldn't I keep her happy? Despite everything, I've had my fair share of insecurities. And now when I saw Grace rooting for him, I just went overboard. Gracie is my cousin, but my little sister nonetheless. We've grown up together. She's been with me throughout. But now she was on his side and I can't even say anything, because well, who can stand against true love?

I lie down on my bed and stare straight up ahead at the ceiling. Should I let go off the past? My stay here has been super fun. Apart from times with Alastair ofcourse. Grace, Vanessa and aunt have been excellent hosts. December will start day after tomorrow and I'll have to leave. So should I complete my own incomplete work and go?

Gracie's Point Of View.
I've come home after my walk with Alastair. I feel a bit apprehensive about seeing Howard so I head straight to my room.

I hear a knock at my door. I turn around to see Howard standing there leaning against the door. He gives me a sloppy smile. I smile at him, relieved. I love him way too much. He comes in and sits down on my bed.

"So there." He says, clearing his throat. "You reached home safely, did you?"
I grin at him. "Yeah Alastair dropped me off." Oops, wrong thing to say. But to my immense surprise, he said,"He takes good care of you, doesn't he?"
I almost coughed over. "Yea he does." I choke out.

Howard grins. "Well, can we all meet tomorrow?"
I stare at him utter disbelief. He just looks back at me deadpanned. I clear my throat and say,"Sure. We both are free tomorrow."

Howard smiles brighter. Really sweetly infact. "I'm glad. We'll meet then, after your school gets over." With that he got up and left, leaving me staring stupidly after him.


"I'm not lying! Trust me, he said that!" I say on the phone, pacing around the room. I have this wierd habit of walking around the room while conversing on the phone.

"Okay believed. Maybe he wants us to sort out. Did you mix something in his food?"

"Alastair can you be non-sarcastic for atleast a moment?"
"Your wish is granted."

"Okay so yeah, basically he wants us to meet. He has to leave on the 6th of December. Maybe he's realized something. But he's always been a great guy. There's no harm in starting anew." I say, biting my lip.

"Okay so we'll meet tomorrow after school."
"Yeah exactly."
"Isn't it funny how we've stopped meeting?"
"Just a few days back, we were bundled up in my room."
"You don't know how much of control I have to practice on myself as I lie beside you."

My heart started thumping faster. He said that very huskily, deeply. He still managed to send tingles through my body only with his voice. Heat emanated through me circling in my tummy.

"Who said you have to control?" I played along.
He gasped. I was glad to have that effect on him.
"The things you do to me, Gracie Hyde."
"The way you make me feel, Alastair Kerr."
"Damn you've learnt. I liked the times when I was the only one to leave you flustered with charm."
"I've learnt from the best."
"Haha yes. Now keep the phone."
"You can do it too."
"I don't want to."
"Nor do I."
"The same old trick?"
"Yes. Now. 1..2..3!"
"You didn't keep the phone."
"I miss you."
"I can come over right now."

My lazing heart got kicked off and started dancing in my chest.
"It's midnight."
"You're that one person that even if they call at 3 am, I'll pick up the phone. So it's no big deal for me. Just say yes and I'll be there."

"Didn't you have soccer practices today?"
"Then don't come."

I had an idea about how tired he could be after those matches. I couldn't make him try so hard for my own happiness. Screw me, he means everything.

"Send me a picture of your's then."
"As if you don't have one of mine."
In his picture gallery, there were hundreds of randomly clicked pictures of me. Some were great and some were downright goofy but he insisted on keeping them all.

I switched on my front camera and stared at it. I don't even remember when I last clicked a selfie. I was so backward in time and technology.
I pouted and took a picture. Bad. I pouted and took another picture. Bad. Another. Bad. Aargh. How do girls manage to look so flawless in pictures? And I don't even know why he asks for my pictures. I took another one. Hmm decent. I sent it to him. We were texting now.

How cute :D :D XD -A

Yeah right -_- -G

Grace you know how adorable you are right? -A

Thanks to you. Laughing at my pics. :) -G

Your sarcasm is reaching to me even through texts. Talent :D -A

Im a multitalented person Kerr -G

Ik right. My girl after all. -A

Your girl? Im not your daughter... -G

XD are you naturally this hilarious? Or some special effort for me? -A

Stop treating yourself as special.. -G

Ya you are here to treat me specially. Id heard sumwhere that boys are careless bcoz somewhere a little girl is learning to be responsible for them. -A

Thats shite. Girls dont learn anything for boys. -G

You did learn a lot of things for me... -A

Dirtyy talk :0 -G

Only fr u GraciePracie -A

I love you okay? -G

Ik baby ik -A

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