Thirty Two. Broken Bones.

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"Now I am calling, hoping you'll hear me. We all need somebody, to believe in something." - Rev Theory

                    Sitting in the living room, I watched when Punk stood up. We were all sitting down and talking, having Punk's favorite drink, Pepsi, of course, and eating pizza.

"You know something, don't you?" Roman whispered, when I smiled at Punk.

"Shh! Listen to him!" I chuckled.

Punk looked at me, smiled, and took a deep breath, then looked at AJ.

"So you all must be wondering why have I gathered you all here, at the same time, today." He started.

"Right to the point, Punk, we don't want a lecture, alright?" Seth said, so Leigh slapped his arm.

"Fine." Punk rolled his eyes, taking another deep breath. "So, I have thought about it for a good few months or more. I have talked to Lacey, a lot, and really, it wasn't an easy decision to make, because you all know me. I've thought about the best way to break the news, and apparently, having all of my friends over was the best choice..." He was a nervous wreck, holding his can of Pepsi and looking down, even shaking a bit. While AJ was sitting beside me, and I felt she was starting to get nervous, just like everyone, because, yeah, with it all, it actually seemed to be something bad, but then, Punk looked at her and reached into his pocket. "April, love of my life, will you marry me?" He asked, kneeling down in front of her.

He did it! I didn't really think he would, because he's not much of the old type, indeed, he never thought about marriage before meeting AJ, so this is a really big step for him.

AJ put her hands over her face, her eyes tearing up, and well, the rest of us couldn't help but smile. I looked up at Stephen, and he smiled. He knew Punk as much as I did, I'm sure he was just as proud as I was.

"Yes, yes, I will." She said, giving him her hand, and he slid the ring into her finger, then he stood up, kissing her.

We all started to clap and cheer, so they chuckled. Punk wrapped his arms around her tiny body and looked at me, mouthing a 'thanks', and I smiled up at him, tearing up as well. We were all just so happy for them, that you could actually feel in the air. It was just this... This feeling that things would be alright, even if it took a while. And the two of them were the perfect example of it: none of them ever settled down for anyone, until that magical storyline between them, and it was pure chemistry. Punk and AJ were so much alike, but while Punk was dating, AJ kept a little bit of distance from him. But they had someone who'd always put them together: me. Yes. I knew how much they enjoyed each other's company, so I'd always call both to have lunch, train together, and things like that, and within no time, we were like the Three Musketeers. Never being away from each other.

Punk and Amy soon broke up, and well, I had to be cupid for my best friends, right? I called them to Starbucks but ended up texting them to say I had a terrible headache and couldn't go, just when I knew both of them were there. Then things started to grow between them, and here we are now... April and Phil would get married. I think I've never been prouder.

"Let's get this party started!" Seth stood up, rushing to the radio and putting some music on. First was, of course, Dancing With Myself, and with no time, all of us were dancing and laughing, making fun of each other.

"I'm so happy for yooooou!" Leigh said, so both of us hugged AJ at the same time. She was so little that almost disappeared in the middle of us, and she just laughed.

Well, everything was fun and games until I looked over at Roman, and of course, he was drinking with Dean. I had decided I'd ignore him, and I guess for a while it worked, but, well, he was under the same roof, so it was basically impossible, right?

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