Sixteen. Moods.

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"More than words to show me how you feel." - Extreme

The smell of beer and cigarettes filled my lungs as I realized I was waking up. I noticed that I was laying down on the floor, so I probably slept on the living room floor after all those drinks. Trying to stretch, I felt someone's body behind me, pressed right on mine, and in front of me as well, but a little bit far from me. I opened my eyes to see Seth's hair, and with a smile, I closed my eyes to sleep again, but then I decided to check who was hugging me from behind, so I tried to turn around, but an arm wrapped tighter around my waist. Fuck.

Images of last night came flashing into my mind: we drank a lot, the four of us laid down on the floor to talk as we stared at the ceiling, and then blur. Please, be Leigh behind me. Again I tried to move, when I heard the muffled voice.

"If you don't mind, princess, I'm trying to sleep." It was Dean. He was behind me. He was hugging me. His arm was around my waist.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I quickly moved away, taking his arm out of me and standing up to take a good look around. Seth and Leigh were cuddled together, sleeping, and apparently, me and Dean were too.

"What are you doing?" He looked at me, rubbing his eyes. Shirtless. God. What happened last night?

"Trying to recall what the hell happened last night and why the hell were you fucking cuddling me!" I whisper yelled.

He looked around for a moment, then stared at the ceiling and shrugged, before looking again at me.

"I don't remember." He turned around. "I just need some sleep."

I took a deep breath, then walked to the kitchen and grabbed some milk, and aspirins. Hopefully, I wouldn't get a hangover, but just to make sure, I'd take those pills. I walked to my room, and laid down, trying to get some sleep, but I couldn't.

Looking around the room, I decided to clean it. I mean... Not really clean, just take all of the clothes off of the floor, before I ended up unable to walk around. So, to help it, I turned on the radio to listen to music, ended up also organizing my book and action figure shelves, then stared at my desk. Books, uncompleted drawings, writing... All over it.

"Nope, not today." I shook my head no.

"Turn it off!" Seth said, and I looked at him, standing on the door, eyes barely open.

"Why?" I pouted.

"Listen, just because you don't have a hangover right now, doesn't mean we all don't." He sighed. "We drank too much, man."

"Not easy to take me down, tiger." I chuckled, before turning off the music. "Want food?"

"I'd love you forever." He rubbed his forehead.

"You already do, man. Let's go." I smiled, taking his hand.

Leigh was on the couch, with a pillow covering her eyes, while Dean closed the curtains off.

"Are we vampires?" I chuckled, letting go of Seth's hand, and he sat down slowly. Poor man.

"Right now, I'd say so." Dean sat down.

"Mommy's gonna make some food and bring aspirins. It should be quick." I said, walking to the kitchen as I heard Leigh mumbling 'I fucking love you'.

Laughing a bit, I started cooking for them. Man, they were family. Even Dean, I guess. He was rude, an asshole, but I guess that's how big brothers are? Maybe that's what he thinks I am: a little sister.

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