Thirty One. Mother.

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"Call me a sinner, call me a saint. Tell me it's over, I'll still love you the same. Call me your favorite, call me the worst. Tell me it's over, I don't want you to hurt." - Shinedown

After talking to Dean, I remember falling asleep, but now I heard rushed whispers, and opened my eyes, looking for the source. I guess I wasn't tired, but the meds made me very sleepy. Damn... So, I saw my father and Vince standing at the door, looking at AJ as she nodded.

"Are you sure?" Father asked.

"She's fine, they gave her painkillers." She sipped on some coffee. "But I guess she wants to do this..."

"Do what?" Vince asked.

"Dad?" I called, my voice barely a whisper.

"Lacey, dear..." He turned around quickly, rushing to my side and hugging me.

"Sweetheart..." Vince stopped by the other side, holding my hand. "You scared us."

"They've been telling me that." I chuckled.

"How are you feeling?" Vince asked.

"I'm good, I guess I can go back to work right now, bu-"

"You're not going back until that doctor tells us you can." Dad shook his head.

"He said I can, next week." I shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, you can get a couple of weeks off. You'll still be there for the pay-per-view, I promise, but you need to rest until there."

"See? Nothing to worry about." Dad smiled. "April said you'd like to explain to us something..."

I bit my bottom lip and looked at AJ, still at the door.

"I'll get a refill." She nodded, closing the door.

I didn't really want her to leave, because I'd feel better with her around, with this whole thing of miscarriage and all, but I guess Dad and Vince wanted to talk to me alone, and well, it was a sensitive topic.

"Well, you two might want to take a seat..." I sat up on the bed, fixing my pillow, but my dad was faster and did that for me. "Thanks, dad." I smiled.

"Please, Lacey, you're scaring me now..." Vince looked at my father and then back at me, as both of them sat on my bed.

For a few seconds, I had to hold a chuckle. They had been best friends since always, but yes, right now, they did look like a couple, taking care of their daughter.

"Well, uh..." I took a deep breath. There was no way of telling them that, so I had to spill it. "I had a miscarriage."

"What?" My father asked, his blue eyes wide. "You were pregnant?!" He didn't yell, but his voice showed how shocked he was.

"You shouldn't be wrestling, Lacey!" Vince covered his face with one of his hands.

"I didn't know I was pregnant. I mean, nothing changed and I was so busy and everything that I had no time to even notice..." I sighed. "I'm sorry. What happened is that during the match, I was hurting really bad and had to go see the doctor. I started bleeding, and he sent me here. After some exams, they told me... that I had a miscarriage." I looked down at my hands, somehow embarrassed. It felt like it was my fault, that I did something wrong.

"I'm sorry..." Vince said, taking one of my hands in his. "I have no idea what to do or say to make you feel better..."

"It's okay... I mean... I still feel like it's not real. It'd probably hurt a lot more if I knew about the kid before, but, y'know... I just didn't."

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