Twenty Five. Replacing.

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"You know that I love you, I have loved you all along." - Nickelback

                  After that cliche thing with Dean, he drove us to gym in silence, with a smile on his face and mumbling whatever song was on. As soon as we got there, he took my bag, and opened the door for me, which seemed pretty weird, but I smiled and thanked him anyway. But when we walked in, every single Diva and Superstar there stared at us, including Stephen. I took my water bottle and started filling it, as I tried not to pay attention to the stares.

"You owe them nothing" Dean told me, before handing me my bag. "I'll get changed, it'll take a minute, alright?"

"Alright." I nodded, forcing a smile and he walked to the male's bathroom. I went to the female's as well, checking on the mirror to see if my hair was still okay, and of course, so I wouldn't be alone out there.

"Lacey?" I heard a soft voice as the door opened. I looked over to meet Brie and Nattie.

"Are you okay?" Nattie asked, biting down her lip.

"The ring rat  has been spreading that you and Sheamus broke up because of that storyline and... We just wanted to check and make sure you're fine, I mean, you can talk to us if you need." Brie stepped closer to me.

"Well, it's true. But it's fine," I sighed, forcing a smile, "I'll get over it."

"Let's be honest, you're young, uh? And he's a bit too old for you. You can get any guy you want in that locker room." Brie winked.

"Well, I know that he was one of the reasons you two broke up, but, even Ambrose would be a good try. I heard he's a nice guy." Nattie smiled. "And he's good looking, you two are close..."

I'd usually say that Dean hates me, right away, but this time I just smiled and nodded. "Maybe I can go for another relationship when I'm completely over it."

"Just go out to drink with your friends and you'll feel better, we all know it was his loss, after all."

"You're right." I small smiled. "Thanks, really." I smiled.

"No problems, kid." Nattie hugged me. "Don't be getting all sad because of him, alright?"

"Alright." I nodded, smiling.

"And don't forget, you can call any of us if you need. Even Nikki, I bet she's got some ideas on how to get over guys." Brie hugged me.

"Alright, thanks." I nodded.

They said their goodbyes and left, while I just took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. They were right, yes. I can't get all sad over someone that didn't deserve me. It was his loss. I put up my usual 'don't talk to me, I'm better than you' face and walked out, just so everyone would actually think I was doing fine. Dean was standing outside and grinned as he saw me.

"I thought you got stuck in there."

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Saw Brie and Natalya walking out. Did they do anything?" He raised a brow.

"They told me I can't be sad over this, that I could get someone better, mentioned you." I chuckled.


"Yeah, they told me you're 'a good option', 'cause they've heard you're a nice guy, and you're good looking." I poked his ribs and chuckled.

"Well..." He smirked, and I knew I had just inflated his ego so much, but, well... "I guess we better start working out." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, and I followed him.

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