Twenty. Broken.

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"When you're falling, I will catch you. You don't have to fall that far. You can make it, I will be there." - Depeche Mode

                    The arena being so big, there was, usually, a part of it, or a hallway, that was not used. This hallway was generally used by people who wanted privacy, which me and AJ did, actually. So, we grabbed ourselves some Pepsi, and walked a bit around the arena to find this hallway, and then sat down, while we laced up our boots.

"C'mon, tell me." She whispered.

"No one's gonna hear, you don't need to whisper." I laughed.

"It just makes things a bit more mysterious." She shrugged.

"Fine." I shook my head, before starting to tell her all about my weekend with Stephen, but, of course, focusing on our first time, meanwhile she'd smirk, or giggle, when I blushed. "But, look... I loved it, really, AJ, but still... It didn't feel... I don't know if it's 'cause he was the first, but it didn't feel right..."

"Was he small?"

"No!" I laughed, smacking her arm. "You know what I mean, you always say how you and Phil are so perfect and it feels so right and..."

"You didn't feel like he completed you, right?"


"Look, Lay , for me, sex just felt right when I had it with Phil, but because I knew he was the one I'd marry. It could be only because he was the first, but... Do you feel like Stephen's the one?"

"I do." I said, but looked down and sighed. "I think I do. Sometime's it's like... He's amazing and I love him..."

"Would you spend the rest of your life with him?"

I couldn't reply. I... I didn't really know what to say.

"It's okay if he's not the one, darling." She hugged me.

"I feel like I'm lying to him."

"You're not. Just forget it all and seize your time with him. He makes you feel good, right?"

"Yes." I smiled. "I love you so fucking much, you know?"

"I love you too." She kissed my cheek. "Now let's go to catering and grab something to eat."

"Alright." I rolled my eyes playfully.

We grabbed plates and filled with fruits, before sitting down and chatting about random stuff. Until, suddenly, Dean sat down with us, and grabbed a grape from my plate.

"You know you could take one from that table instead of taking mine, right?"

"Then it won't be fun." He shook his head, before smiling at me.


"Nothing." He shrugged. "So, already got the storylines?"

"Just AJ's." I replied, as I stood up to take more fruits, so he and AJ followed me.

"Tamina turning on me." She shrugged.

"I don't think they'll have anything interesting for us 'ca-" I was cut off when someone bumped into me, making my plate fall to the floor. I looked at the person, to see the blue haired ring rat looking at me with a smirk. "Look what you done!"

"You should pay attention." She replied with a shrug.

"You bumped into me!" I stepped closer to her.

"Sorry, I didn't see you, 'cause you're irrelevant."

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