Twenty Three. Breakdown.

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"You see I've always been a fighter, but without you I give up." - Bon Jovi

Lana seemed to be anxious to get to the the hotel, so she drove pretty fast. All while she'd tell Dean she found this nice movie on Netflix, that he'd probably love. I didn't even hear what was Dean's answer, because I rushed to take my bags, mumbled a quick 'thank you' and started my way to Stephen's room. But, well, knowing Dean, he'd probably say yes, so he could fuck her later.

Luckily, I had the keys, so I just walked in, let my bag fall to the floor, took my coat off and huffed. Stephen was sitting down on the bed, looking at me.

"Why didn't you wait for me?" I chuckled. "I had to handle bitch Lana all the way." I sighed, plopping on the bed.

"It's over." He said, suddenly. I looked up at him, confused.

"What do you mean?" I really hoped he didn't mean...

"We're over, Lacey. It's done." He stood up.

"What? Stephen... Why?" I stood up, staring at him. How could he?

"You know exactly why."

"No, I don't fucking know why, so you better explain."

"Why should I?"

I shook my head, stopping for a few seconds. "You never really felt anything for me, did you? You just wanted to use me. I got it." I said, balling my fists.

"I loved you!"

"And then what?! Love doesn't work like that!"

"I can't be with you if you have feelings for someone else, Lacey!"

"Are you fucking crazy?!"

"You fucking kissed him today!"

"You-what?" I couldn't accept this. No. He walks into my life, I grow attached to him, and then this?! "That was a storyline! It was fake! Why are you looking for the first excuse to dump me?!" I shook my head no, and he hugged me.

"I didn't want things to end like this and..."

"Shut the fuck up!" I pushed him away, rushing to take my bags.

"Lacey, wait..."

"You said it's over, didn't you? I'm not your problem anymore." I said, before storming away.

I didn't have anywhere else to go, no one to talk to or hug me and say it's okay. I fucking wished AJ was there, or Seth, Roman and Punk, so they could break Stephen's face, but no... No one. The first thing I thought was that, for my own sake, and to stop me from having a panic attack, I had to be somewhere I could see the stars and no one was around. So I took the stairs and ran to the rooftop of the hotel and sat down. I put my bags beside me, and leaned against the cold wall as I looked up at the stars and took deep breaths. I was so numb that I couldn't cry, or do anything.

Seth, AJ and Roman were probably already going to sleep by now. They had a full day, and even tho I longed to hear their voices to calm me down... I couldn't. If I did, they'd want to fly right back here, and would end up getting into trouble. So the only person that could help me right now was Phil. I dialed his number and within seconds he answered.

"I actually thought you'd take some time to call." He chuckled.

As I heard his voice, I felt a knot on my throat and choked on my tears. I wanted to cry, wanted to hug him. I felt so alone. 

"Lacey? Are you there?" I let out a sob. There was no way I could hold it back any longer. "What happened?" Now he sounded concerned.

"S-Stephen." I said.

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