Twenty One. Lost.

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"I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real." - Johnny Cash

                    After what happened, I couldn't really look, or talk to Dean. He was leaning against the wall the whole time, heard everything, but I only realized it when I stood up to leave. Our way back to the hotel was filled with silence, while I laid my head on AJ's shoulder and Seth held my hand, the only thing we could hear was Don't Fear the Reaper, by Blue Oyster Cult.

Dean had finally got exactly what he always wanted: he hurt me. I've always wanted The Shield to be everything that people thought we were: united, and a family. Of course, me, Seth and Roman were a family, and Dean considered the both of them as well, but... Why couldn't he just fucking tell me what I did wrong and then we could work it all out and carry on? It just wouldn't get into my head why he was such a jerk to me.

As soon as we arrived the hotel, I said goodnight to Seth and Roman, and told AJ I'd see Stephen and then I'd be back. So I walked to his room, took a deep breath and knocked on his door. He sighed as he opened it, a bottle of Jack in hand.

"I... Can I come in?" I asked.

"You don't really need to ask." He gave me a weak smile and stepped aside, so I walked in and sat down on his bed.

"I'm fucked up." I sighed.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, kneeling down in front of me and taking my hand.

"Don't pretend like you're not mad because I can see you are. Sorry about what happened earlier. Sorry about everything that happened."

"It's... This is not the whole reason why I'm upset." He sighed, before taking another sip or his whiskey.

"What else did I do?"

He chuckled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "You did nothing." He took a deep breath and looked down, then looked at me again. "Drew got fired."


"He and a bunch of other people."

"I... I'm sorry. I know he's your best friend and all..."

"He'll be fine. He'll go back to England and there's plenty other companies that want him. I just... What if it was me? Or you? It could be anyone. This business isn't fair."

"It could never be you. Do you really think they'd fire you? Then you're crazy. It never been fair, but Drew wasn't really in a good place with the company."

"What do you mean? Oh. That stuff with Taryn years ago."

"Vince never forgets anything. Everything is business. You do something wrong here, he does something when you less expect. Believe me, I grew up hearing him and my dad talk."

"It must have been fun." He said, obviously sarcastically.

"Yeah" I shrugged. "I used to give Vince ideas when I was a teen. He'd just listen because he was my dad's friend, of course, and I was a fan. But... I think sometimes he saved some of my dumb ideas."

"You shitting me?" He arched an eyebrow. "You helped with storylines when you were a teen?"

"I wouldn't say I 'helped'. I just talked for hours about what I liked or disliked and what I'd change if I could." I shrugged. "Just like any other fan."

"I'd love to switch places with you." He chuckled.

"It would cost you not having a decent mother." I laid down.

"You never told me about your mother."

"Well... I never been the girl she wanted me to be." I sighed. "I was more the daddy's little tomboy. She hated it. To make things short, she divorced my dad and moved out. Now she's living in Italy and she barely knows how am I."

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