Eighteen. The One.

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"I'm not afraid to feel, I want you to love me." - HIM

"You sure you're gonna be fine?" Roman asked.

"Ro, you live like... Fifteen minutes away? I can yell if I need." I shook my head and chuckled. "But, really, I call you if I need anything. And I bet Seth, Leigh, Punk and AJ will be texting each five minutes to make sure I'm alright."

"It's just the first time you're staying anywhere else than one of our houses, so... We get a bit worried." He smiled. "You're our little girl, y'know."

"I know. And I love you guys for taking care of me. But now Stephen is on the list too. He won't hurt me. He loves me."

"We know that." Roman grinned. "It's just because it's the first time you're staying at his house."

"We've been darting for almost two months now, what do you expect?" I chuckled.

"Promise you won't get back pregnant?"

"Roman!" I slapped his arm playfully and laughed, before parking the car in front of Stephen's house.

"I'm just kidding, but be careful, alright? I love you." He hugged me.

"I love you too, Ro." I hugged him back, before kissing his cheek.

Roman was 'in charge' of taking me to Stephen's house today, and I'd stay for the weekend. It'd be the first time I'd spend the night, instead of going back to Roman's, and, well, all of them, being overprotective, wanted to make sure I'd be fine. By this time, there was five texts from them. He helped me with my bags, and walked me to the door, so I knocked on it, and within seconds, Stephen opened it.

"Hey." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hey, babe." He smiled, before hugging me. "Hey, Roman."

"Hello." Roman nodded.

"So, you wanna come in, too?" Stephen asked.

"No, just bringing Lay and all. I'm going now." He gave Stephen a small smile before hugging me again. "Take care, uh?" He kissed my forehead and looked at Stephen. "Take care of her. Bye."

"Bye, Ro, love you."

"Love you too." He smiled as he got in his car, and we watched as he left, before going inside.

"They think I'm gonna do what?" Stephen chuckled, taking my bags and walking me to the living room. "Punk called like ten minutes ago telling me to take care of you, otherwise he'd kill me. Are you gonna run away or burn something down?" He chuckled.

"You see, I'm a dangerous psychotic girl, and if nobody watches me, I might go out and kill somebody." I chuckled.

"It's not really a problem then, you're not getting off of my sight." He said softly, holding on my hips and bringing me closer to him.

"Really? I might hurt you too, you better watch out."

"I know you won't do that." He started kissing me softly.

"Yeah? How?" I asked in between the kisses.

"You love me too much to hurt me."

"Love hurts, you know that, right?" I chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind letting you hurt me." And with this, he brought me even closer to him, as I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him hard.

When I realized, we were in the couch, he had taken his shirt off and was about to take mine, when I stopped kissing him.

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