Thirty Four. Back in Black.

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"Don't fall away and leave me to myself. Don't fall away and leave love bleeding in my hands." - Fuel

                    Waking up in the morning, the sweet smell of pancakes filled my lungs. I looked around the room; Punk and AJ had one only for me, for whenever I wanted to sleep over, so laying down in my bed, it actually felt like home. Taking a deep breath, I smiled. Of course, there was still a part of me screaming: hey! What the fuck is wrong?! What am I gonna do?! But, man, I had all of my friends downstairs, I was healthy, and tonight I'd wrestle. I could deal with other stuff later, and yes, it meant Dean.

"Laceey..." Someone sang, opening the door, and I sat up, smiling. It was Roman, and he had a mug in hands. "You probably won't have space for Punk's pancakes, but here's your hot cocoa." He smiled.

"Don't be fooled, I'm a hungry monster and I could eat this house if I wanted to." I smirked. "Come and sit with me while I drink it." I tapped the spot beside me.

He smiled at me and sat down. "So, any decision yet?" He asked. "I mean... No pressure or anything." He smiled awkwardly.

"Not yet. I decided that today I'll forget it. We'll be leaving for Raw soon, which means being away from Leigh and Punk. But..." I took a deep breath.


"I'll talk to him." I said, and he smiled. "Eventually." I raised a brow.

"You won't regret it." He ruffled my hair and hugged me.

"I hope so." I chuckled. "Still have to talk to AJ and Leigh, so, yeah."

"What about Stephen?"

"We had a talk yesterday. He told me it was fine, that he'd support whichever decision I make."

"Well, that's... Very mature. I didn't expect that, actually."


"Yeah, thought he'd flip out if you decided you wanted Dean over him."

"I'm not choosing him. And it doesn't mean it's 'over' Stephen."

"See? You're considering."

"I am not!" I rolled my eyes.

"You are." AJ said, walking in with Leigh.

"You like him, let's be honest." Leigh chuckled.

"I do." I sighed, leaning back down on the bed. "And it sucks."

"Why?" Roman raised a brow.

"'Cause Dean's fucked up."

"Yeah, I know." AJ said. "But if you like it, whatever. It doesn't matter how much of a jerk he is. Punk's a sociopathic asshole. Do I care? Does anyone here cares about it?"

"Nah." Roman and Leigh shook their heads.

"Besides, isn't like Dean ever hurt you. I mean, he did?" Leigh asked.

"No." I said.

"You'd tell us if he did?" Roman asked.

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