Chapter Two. Teasing.

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"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star in somebody else's sky, but why? Can't it be mine? We belong together." - Pearl Jam

                    Already late at night and I was laying on my bed in my hotel room, unable to sleep. I was really tired, but still, I couldn't get myself to sleep at all.

Ugh, I hated being alone. I had a room for myself, right next to the guys, but I had the keys to theirs, and they to mine, so I took the keys, slid some pants on and walked over to their room.

A cigarette smell filled my lungs and I wrinkled my nose, just before locking the door and turning around to look inside the room.

I saw a shadow of someone, sitting on one of the three bed, and the dim light of a cigarette. Dean, sure.

"Why are you awake?" I whisper yelled.

"I ask you the same." He stood up, walking towards me and leaning against the wall, beside me.

"Are they sleeping?" I asked, and he nodded. "I can't get myself to even close my eyes." Sometimes, we could share a few words without saying how much we hated each other. Pretty rare, to be honest.

"You just can't be away from us." He blew the smoke on my face.

"Fucker." Waving a hand in the air and rolling my eyes, I walked to Seth's bed and laid on his feet.

"Are you gonna sleep here?" Dean asked.

"Yup." Duh.

"Use my bed."

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you."

"I won't do anything to you, if you don't want me to."

"The fuck are you saying?" I stared at him, brows arched.

"It was a joke." He laid on the couch. "Go, I'll sleep here, don't worry."

I arched an eyebrow... I don't think I should trust him... He was planning something. But then again, Seth and Roman were in the room and I could wake them up pretty quick, so...

"If you try something, I'll cut off your balls." I walked to his bed, eyes locked on his.

"Why would I want to touch a kid like you?"

"Because you're sick. Now shut up. I need to sleep." I laid down, pulling the covers up to me and he simply shrugged.

And with that, I closed my eyes, pretending I was sleeping for a while, just to know what he'd do. He moved, but I guess it was just to get comfy on that couch. I was still unsure, but I couldn't stop myself... I soon fell asleep.

I woke up. I knew it because I felt the cigarret smell from last night, and also the sun light in my face.

Opening my eyes slowly, I looked around.

"Hey..." I said sleepily, looking at Seth, who was sitting on his bed.

"Morning, sleepyhead." He chuckled, throwing his phone in his bag. "Whatcha doing on Dean's bed?"

"I've slept here 'cause I didn't want to be alone in my room. He slept in the couch." I shrugged, sitting up.

"Really?" He arched an eyebrow. "He was right beside you when me and Ro woke up."


"And you were holding his hand." He shrugged.

"I wasn't!" I yelled, standing up.

"Stop yelling, holy shit." Dean walked out of the bathroom and I looked angrily at him.

"You said you'd sleep in the couch!"

"I couldn't sleep there, my back was hurting." He shrugged.

"I hate you!" I growled.

"You sleep on the same bed as Seth and Roman but can't share a bed with me? C'mon." He rolled his eyes.

"One: you hate me. Two: you're a fucking crazy, asshole!"

"Calm down, Lay." Seth said.

"I didn't touch you." He smirked. "But can't say you didn't touch me."

"Dean, stop." Seth rolled his eyes.

"You're disgusting!" I stormed out of the room, walking to mine and slamming the door shut.

This was nothing, it was just dumb to be mad at something like that, I knew it, but he had his way of always pissing me off, and I was tired of it. Like, couldn't he leave me alone for once? And at least not say he won't do something and then actually do?! 

Sighing, I looked around my room, and quickly decided on what I'd do. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, put on fresh clothes and went to the gym, lifting some weights would help me with my anger.

I think I spent more than 3 hours in there, because it was already afternoon when I left, totally tired, hungry, and in need of a shower to wash my sweat away.

It took me like half and hour to finish, and then I heard my phone... It was a text from Seth, they were waiting me to go to Smackdown tappings.

I got ready quickly, putting on the first clean shirt I found and leather pants, with my favorite boots, letting my ginger hair fall over my shoulder, before making a black smokey make up, like always. Grabbed my bag and went to the lobby, where they were waiting.

"Took so long..." Roman said, as we walked to the car.

"Oh, c'mon, a lady needs time to get ready. Was getting pretty to walk beside my boys." I chuckled, as Seth slid his arm around my waist.

"And still, it didn't work." Dean said, and I showed him my middle finger, then he rolled his eyes.

Such a fucker he was.

Roman was driving, Seth beside him, and Dean on the back seat with me.

"Put on some music, it's too silent in here." I said, tapping Seth's shoulder.

"Which band?" He asked, looking through the CD's. "Metallica? AC/DC?"

"Misfits." I said, pointing to the CD on his hand. "And skip to Vampira."

"Damn, you just want to listen to this song." Roman chuckled.

"That's my song, that's why." I shrugged, sitting back and listening to the song.

"Why is it your song?" Dean asked.

"As if you cared." I rolled my eyes. "It's because I bite." I mocked.

"I know, you bit me last night." He smirked.

"Fuck off." I rolled my eyes.

I knew it, I fucking knew he was gonna start to use it all to piss me off! It seems that he can't do anything other than that! I mean, what have I done to him anyways? He just acted this way towards me and I'd never ever, ever understand this guy.


Here's the Chapter Two for you guys! It's kind of short, but I hope you guys like it anyway, I swear next chapters are longer :) we're gonna have tons of asshole Dean here lol hope you guys enjoy it, 'cause I can't really get enough of it haha

Don't forget to leave your vote and comment <3 it means a lot, see you guys next chapter! :D

{originally published feb 03, 2016}

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