Fifteen. Go Crazy.

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"Everything a kiss cannot bring, I will give you, if you just say you will." - Danzig

Saturday morning. Not too long past 8am, and everyone was still asleep. My room was smelled of cigarettes and there was a shirt on my floor. Fuck, Dean. I took a deep breath and rubbed my eyes, before going to the bathroom. After the random mourning routine that was nothing like Pat Bateman's, I went downstairs, grabbed an apple and went back to my room.

I stared at my book shelf for a few minutes, before picking up Naked Lunch again. It was my favorite book ever, and reading it for the millionth time was totally fine. But before I could even finish the first page, I heard the door opening. Expecting to be Seth or Leigh coming to wake me up, I didn't even look up.

"I'm awake." I said.

"Why? It's not even 9am." The manly voice spoke.

"Oh, it's you." I looked up at Dean. He picked up his t shirt from the floor and put it on. "What are you doing awake? And why are you sneaking into my room? Again."

"Couldn't sleep at night so came here to see if you were awake." He shrugged and sat down beside me. "Laid here for a while and when I was finally tired, went back to sleep. And now... Well, I can't sleep."

"Told you not to smoke in here."


"Fine." I sighed. "But y'know, I still don't understand you."

"What's it that you're reading?"

"Naked Lunch." I shrugged.

"What is it about?" He raised an eyebrow.

"It's not porn." I rolled my eyes. "I mean... Not the entire book."

"You're reading porn? Really?" He chuckled.

"I said this is not porn. Wanna see yourself? It only... Has... A few mature scenes."

"When you finish it, I'll read."

"Here, take it. I've read this before." I gave him the book. "Didn't really know you liked reading."

"You don't really know much 'bout me, cupcake." He smirked, standing up. "I'll start it now." And opening the book, he walked out and closed the door.

"Weirdo." I mumbled.

Now I had nothing to do, but then I saw my Clockwork Orange book, and decided to watch the movie again. In the middle of the movie, Seth walked in and sat down beside.

"Alex again?" He chuckled.

"Of course! He's my baby."

"Are you really dressing up as him on Halloween?"

"Of course!" I smirked. "What about you? Hotdog again?"

"That was a fucking dare, for God's sake." He rolled his eyes. "And I'm not sure, since we still have months to decide."

"What about droogies? Me, you, Leigh and AJ? Of course, I'm Alex."

"That's actually a very good idea. Well, then I'll be that one that beats Alex up when he becomes a cop." He smirked.

"Dim, the idiot?"

"No! Georgie."

"O, alright, Georgie boy." I smirked.

"Isn't Halloween yet, Alex."

"But I'm still the droog leader."

"In your dreams."

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