Twenty Seven. Mistakes.

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"I would try for you, try to walk you through. I would fight for you, to prove that I am true." - Emigrate

We all spent the whole weekend pretending none of that happened. Why? Because AJ insisted that I had to clean my mind and be positive in order to make a decision. Well, she also told them she'd kill whoever dared bringing that conversation up during my 'drama free weekend'. Punk said we had to discuss it to help me, but he ended up agreeing with AJ.

But the truth was: how could I possibly forget what had happened? I know I had to, but it was just impossible and every second I'd remember that, well, Stephen broke up with me and Dean liked me. Or at least he said he did. 

On Monday morning, we all said our goodbyes to Leigh and went to the airport. Now I was kind of nervous and I just could think that... Oh, fuck, what was I gonna do now?

After checking in, me and AJ rushed to our rooms. I took a shower while AJ put our things in a bag, and then, while she took a shower, I went to call the guys.

"So... Ready?" I asked, looking around the room.

"All done." Roman said.

"Dean already left, but we're ready." Seth said, taking his bags.

When AJ was ready, we got to the car and made our way to the arena, while I laid my head on the window to pretend I was sleeping, just so I could think. Again, I went through everything that happened: me and Stephen breaking up, Dean confessing his feelings for me, then my talk with Stephen, and then me and Dean... He actually seemed to be truthful when telling me all those things, so...

I took a deep breath as we arrived the arena, my heart racing, but I knew I had to make a decision. So, as soon as we got there, I put my bags in our locker room and told the guys I had something to do, and they probably knew what was it, so they didn't ask anything. I wasn't really one hundred percent sure of what I was doing, but I really felt that this was the right thing to do, until I saw it.

"Fuck." I felt a tear roll down my cheek and put my hands over my mouth.

Here was I thinking he'd be the right choice for me, and there was him, kissing Lana. Dean was a liar. He always been. I quickly wiped away the tear and took a deep breath.

"Should've known you're a liar." I spoke, coldly, making both of them look at me. "Thank you for keeping me from a big mistake, Dean."

Dean's jaw dropped when he saw me, and he stuttered, taking a step towards me.

"Jo-" Lana reached for his arm, but he pulled it away.

"It's Dean!"

"Don't you fucking yell at her!" I yelled, as Lana stepped away from him.

"Why do you always fuck everything up?"

"Me?!" I rolled my eyes, walking up to Lana and taking her hand. She wouldn't move, staring at Dean. "I don't think I fucked up." I spat. "C'mon, Lana, we know he'll hurt you if you stay."

"Don't." Dean said.

"Me or her? Because you really need to make up your mind, Ambrose." I shook my head, walking away and pulling her along with me.

When I was sure we were far from Dean, I let Lana go and started my way to the male's locker room. Why did I even think, for a moment, that Dean was better than Stephen? I'm so fucking stupid. Rubbing my face, then running a hand through my hair, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Wade Barrett opened it.

"Hey." He smiled. "Shield's in their private locker room, miss." He said, with a chuckle.

"I'm... Here for Stephen."

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