Twenty Six. Choices.

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"Your lies are more attractive than the truth. Love is all I want." - Depeche Mode

I spent the whole flight back home sleeping, thankfully, and just woke up when the plane came to a stop. Taking a deep breath, I waited until the doors opened, took my handbags and went to take the other bags. Then I was walking out to call a cab, but I felt arms around me, and looked back, kind of scared and thinking it was one of those fans who would jump at you from outta nowhere.

"I'm so fucking sorry, I should've been there." AJ said, hugging me tighter, and I hugged her back.

"It's not your fault." I replied weakly, before feeling strong arms around me and his cologne.

"You could've called us." Roman said.

"I know, Ro, but I know the three of you would flip out, and want to come right back. Hunter would kill us." I chuckled sadly. It was so good the way they made me feel safe like that, just by being with me.

"At least Dean was nice." I heard Seth's voice, and Roman let me go, so I hugged Seth. "Or we'd have to hide two bodies."

"He's been a nice guy and I'm scared that he might get worse after this. Calm before the storm." I sighed.

"Everything will be fine, alright?" Seth kissed my forehead. "Let's go home, Leigh's worried too."

"Where's Phil?" I asked.

"Flight's late, he'll take a cab." AJ said, taking my hand.

"Alright." I smiled sadly.

Seth and Roman took my bags, and we walked to Seth's car. Both of them in the front, and me and AJ in the back seats. I ended up laying my head on her shoulder, and she played with my hair. We spent the way in silence, and I knew they were just as sad as I was.

Y'know, it was funny how being in the road kept my walls so up high, that I ended up seeming like I didn't care about breaking up with Stephen, after all, but as soon as I stepped home, the feeling of being safe, and that no one would judge me for whatever I'd say, made the walls come down. Leigh hugged me and tears streamed down my face. I wasn't much of a 'loud crier', so I'd just sob silently into her shoulders as she whispered that it was fine.

They took me to the living room and I sat down, so Seth rushed to bring me a glass of water. I took long sips, as well as deep breaths, trying to calm down and be able to at least talk.

"Let it all out, you can cry as much as you want." AJ whispered, holding my hand.

"I thought... I actually thought it was real." I said.

"He's an idiot, ok? No one should do that to anyone." Seth sighed, shaking his head no and kneeling down in front of me.

"I gave myself, I really did. You guys know I never really opened up for someone like that, and this is what he gave me in return... He stabbed me. I... How could he say I wanted Dean? I never even thought about him that way..."

"We know, we know." Leigh nodded.

"I'm feeling used and... And I think I've fucked everything up, a lot more." My shaking hands covered my face as I thought about Dean. Now it all seemed so wrong, and I didn't know what to do with this whole situation.

"No, he fucked up." Roman said.

"You don't understan-"

Before I could finish, the door flew open and Punk stormed in, leaving his bags on the hallway and closing the door with his foot, before rushing towards me and hugging me tight.

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