Chapter Seven. Brotherhood.

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"Who do you need, who do you love, when you come undone?" - Duran Duran

                   No more than one hour passed by, and there was a knock on the door, and a 'we're here, Lacey', following. Seth's voice.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, standing up.

"The movie isn't even over." AJ pouted.

"Then tell them." I pouted as well, hugging her. "I'll see you later in our flight, okay? You coming, Punky?"

"Sadly, no." He stood up. "I'll make my way back to Chicago." He sighed, before pulling me for a tight hug.

"I'll miss you too, but you don't need to kill me." I laughed. "It's just a few days, and... That's why cellphones exist. No, seriously, I can't breath."

"Stop being such an asshole." He laughed, ruffled my hair and then kissed my forehead. "It's the last time I'll see your doll face this week."

"Sometimes we get so emotional." I laughed and hugged him again, before kissing his cheek. "But I'll take care of our little AJ, okay?" I side hugged her.

"Thanks." He winked.

"Oh, c'mon, we take care of each other." She rolled her eyes playfully, and pecked my cheek. "I'll see you later."

"Lacey!" Another knock on the door.

"I'm getting my shit." I yelled back.

"So, see you." I smiled at Shea, before kissing his cheek and grabbing my purse. Rushing to the door. "Queen Vader heading out." I said, opening the door to see Seth and Dean out there. "Here, ladies." I smiled, heading to the door to their room. "Sorry for the wait, I had to say goodbye."

"Yeah, sure. Blowjobs for the Irish." Dean said, sitting on his bed.

"Fuck you." I rolled my eyes. "Seth! Make him stop or I'll fucking punch him."

"Stop it, Dean, it's not funny and you know it." Seth said, as he walked up to his clothes to pack up.

"Where's Ro?" I asked, sitting cross-legged on his bed.

"Went to get something for us to eat." He shrugged.

"And how was everything at the bar?"

"Not as fun as when you're around." He winked, letting his bag fall to the floor and laying his head on my lap. "I'm tired."

"What? Tired of what? You didn't even want the strippers!" Dean rolled his eyes, and I chuckled as Seth showed him a middle finger, making Dean smirk at me. Are we back on good therms? If we ever been there, honestly.

"You can sleep in the plane, no worries." I shrugged with a smile, playing with his two toned hair.

"I know." He gave me a sleepy smile. "And how was your day?"

"It was nice." I nodded with a smile. "Lunch with Sheamus, then we started watching Star Wars."

"Speaking of Star Wars..." Seth yawned. "Leigh said she bought a surprise for you."

"No way! What is it? Tell me!"

"If it's a surprise, he can't tell you, dumbass." Dean said, laying down on his bed

"Don't be mean, Dean..." Seth closed his eyes. "Leigh knows I'd end up telling you, so she only said it was Star Wars merch."

"She's smart." I chuckled, and ended up laying down beside him. I looked at Dean, and he had his eyes closed, just as well as Seth. They must be really tired... I snuggled up to Seth and closed my eyes. It wouldn't hurt anyone if we all took a nap, right?

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