Chapter Eight. Flying.

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"You are the hurt inside of me, and you are the one that makes me weak." - Rev Theory

Silence filled the whole car as we drove to the airport, and as soon as we got there, I rushed to meet AJ, and then we got to the plane. I sat in the middle of her and Seth, and right in front of me was Roman with Dean by his side, and an empty spot.

"Excited for the last house show before we finally get to go home?" AJ asked, taking her iPod.

"A lot! Seth said Leigh has a surprise for me." I smiled at her, clutching Seth's arm.

"Really? And what is it, Sethie?" She looked at him. Seth hated when she, or anyone, called him like that, so she'd do that just because she loved annoying him.

"She didn't really tell me, Jeannete." Seth replied with a roll of eyes, while I held back a laugh.

"Fair enough." AJ smirked.

"Hm, excuse me?" We all looked up, only to see Sheamus beside the free spot and smiling. "Can I sit here?" He pointed at the empty seat.

"Sure." Me and AJ said together.

Sheamus smiled, saying a thanks and sitting down, while Seth and Roman smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and elbowed Seth's side, quickly looking at Dean, because he was staring at me.

I arched my eyebrows at him, as if asking what was going on, but after a hateful stare, he looked away, and I sighed. So I guess we're back to normal.

"So," Sheamus said, making us look at him. "What are you all doing after the house show?"

"Going home." Dean replied, raspy.

"Actually," AJ said, in a cheerful tone. "We didn't plan anything before we fly home. How about you, Shea?" She smiled.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I think I might go out for drinks. What you guys think? I mean, we all going together?"

"That sounds cool." Roman gave him a small smile.

"Good." Sheamus nodded, before smiling at me, and I did the same.

Not much longer after that, I ended up falling asleep, hugging Seth's arms, as I always did.

Roman still had pictures of the first time I've done that, because he said it was cute. Then it became something normal to all of us. I mean, I'd always sit beside one of them and hug their arms or play with their hair as I fell asleep or played games on my cellphone, and they'd basically do the same with me. (And with 'them', I mean Seth, Roman, AJ or Punk, back when he was still in the company.) One day I woke up with a braid; I had laid on Seth's arm, and Roman was beside me. He was playing with my hair, and decided to braid it.

Dean never sat beside me, or did anything that involved him being closer to me, other than when we were in the ring, and obviously we weren't that 'friends'. I don't think we're even friends...

I still remember the day I met him. I was a little bit of a Shield's fangirl, and Dean, from the three of them, was my favorite. I went crazy with the thought of joining them.

Seth's usually a jerk to everyone, but when I started out in the Development Area, we became friends when he went to ask Punk for advice, who was my mentor since I started wrestling. Then he made me meet Roman and Dean because he had the idea that I'd be great as The Shield's girl.

Roman had always been nice to me. I mean, he used to be really closed, barely exchanged a couple of words, but one night I got seriously hurt, and I had never seen him that worried before. He spent the night at the hospital with me, and that's when we got close to each other.

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