Thirty Three. Dazed and Confused.

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"My hands are tied, my body bruised, she's got me with nothing to win and nothing left to lose." - U2

                    Stripping off my clothes, I sat down in the tub while the water was starting to fill it. I just couldn't understand how it all happened; I mean, how I went from this independent girl who got everyone's back, to a dramatic and sensitive little kid who had to have all of her friends discussing the guy she likes.

How and why do I like him in the first place? I could be sitting downstairs, holding Stephen's hand and being in love with him just like I was before, but no, I'm such a shit little person and had to get myself in love with the lunatic. But if all that the guys said are true, then why didn't I see this side of Dean before? Why didn't he show me how much he cared? Instead of treating me like someone he hated. This is just... I can't accept it all. If you love someone, then you don't hurt them.

I couldn't get myself to think straight, or fully understand that situation. But then the door opened, and Stephen walked in. He sat down on the floor beside me but said nothing.

"I'm fucked up." I said, after a while.

"What?" He looked at me.

"I'm fucked up and you know that."

"You're not." He shook his head no. "You just can't choose who you love."

"I don't..." I tried to say, but he looked at me with a small smile, as if he was saying it was okay, so I said nothing. "I just don't get it..."

"You've always loved him, Lacey. You just didn't see it." He sighed. "The way you two treated each other inside that ring... Everyone knew you loved each other."


"And besides that, you were the first to stand up for him, always. Even if he was an asshole to you. He did the same for you. You couldn't stand the thought of him with someone else, that's why you'd keep the other Divas away, with the excuse of not wanting anyone with around your 'boys'. You do love Seth and Roman, but in the end, it has always been Dean."

"I never realized that." I said, feeling tears fall down my cheeks.

"You called him in your sleep." He said, after a few seconds of silence. "First night you spent with me, I woke up earlier and heard you calling his name. One night in the airplane, you seemed to be having some kind of nightmare. You didn't call me, not even Seth. You called his name."

"Nobody ever told me that before."

"Why would they? You'd deny it." He shook his head. "That's why I've always been jealous. I thought I could make you love me, but deep inside, I knew you couldn't love anyone more than you loved Dean. Even if you didn't know that. Remember when the lights in the whole arena went off? Whose arm did you hold?"


"Your eyes never shone as bright as when he smiled at you in that ring. And he never smiled at anyone like that. He couldn't keep his eyes off of you, you know. I hated that so much." He chuckled nervously. "I wish you looked at me the way you unconsciously looked at him. I wished to mean half of what he means to you."

Then, silence. I was hugging my legs and staring at nothing, just letting his words sink in. It's funny how the colors of your own life only seem to make sense together when presented to you from someone else's view. And everything was being pulled up in my head, as I tried to picture every moment I had with Dean until tonight.

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