Chapter Six. Protection.

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"We fight all the time, You and I... That's alright, we're the same soul." - U2

Closing the door, I looked around the room for a few seconds and sighed, before walking over to my bag, getting some fresh clothes and heading to the bathroom. I was done, and after blow drying my hair and making a side braid, I put some make up on, slipped on a Star Wars shirt, a high waisted shorts and black Chuck Taylors.

"I'm such a nerd." I sighed, looking at my reflection on the mirror. "Whatever."

Checking my phone, I realized that AJ was probably with Punk, so I didn't even bother to call her, because she wouldn't answer me and then would end up texting me a while later. So I sat down on my bed to wait, but I was so tired that I ended up laying down, hugging my pillow and closing my eyes. I noticed a different smell on it, and it wasn't my perfume, but it was good, so I didn't bother. "I can't sleep, God..." I whispered to myself, but I couldn't help it.

"Lacey..." I heard a quick whisper and sat up. "Sorry, the door was open, and you didn't answer when I knocked..."

"Oh..." I yawned, before chuckling. "It's no problem. I just didn't sleep much last night. Well, let's go?"

"I wouldn't sleep if I had Dean in my room, as well." He chuckled, before nodding. "Sure, let's go."

I chuckled at what he said and reached for my wallet, but he held my hand.

"No, missy, I'm paying today." He smiled.

"Hm..." I looked at his hand on mine... Kind of awkward. "Alright, then." I forced a smile, letting go of my wallet and my cellphone as well.

Still holding my hand, he opened the door, waited for me to walk out, locked the door and put the keys inside his pocket. "Did they call ya'?"

"No. And I left my phone. By the way, can you text AJ and let them know I'm with you? Otherwise, they'll freak out if they try to call me and get no answer."

"Sure, no problem." He smiled, while we waited for the elevator. "So, where would ya' like to go?"

"Well, anywhere for me is good, honestly. I just don't like..." I stopped for a while, trying to think any kind of food that I didn't like, but couldn't come up with anything, so I shook my head and laughed. "Damn, there's nothing that I don't like. I'd eat anything."

"That's great." He chuckled. "I checked for Irish food around, but found nothing, so what about... Italian?"

"Sounds like a plan." I nodded with a smile, and we stepped into the elevator.

Sheamus grabbed his phone, I think it was to text Punk, and meanwhile I checked myself in the mirror again. Hell, I was really a nerd with this Star Wars shirt, but fuck it, I love this shirt.

"So, you like Star Wars?" He asked, and I turned around to look at him, smiling a bit.

"Yeah, since I was like... 10 or something. My father gave me this game and I knew everything from the first three movies, before even watching it. I fell in love, honestly." I chuckled, and he smiled.

"I'm not sure, but I think I've watched one or two? And not the whole thing, to be honest." He shrugged.

"No. Way!" I rose a brow. "Really?" I asked, and he nodded yes. "Well, then mark my words, fella, I'm making you watch all of the movies."

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