Chapter Ten. Attention.

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"Are you afraid of being alone? Cause I am, I'm lost without you." - Blink 182

                    After warming up, Eva, The Bellas and Tamina came up to us.

"So, Lacey's going too?" Brie asked, smiling. Other than being assholes to me since I first joined, the Divas acted like everything was fine, actually, so... Go along.

"Not now. I thought about something. Just to make stuff more... Interesting. Bring some attention to the Divas, uh?" I smirked at AJ, and they we explained carefully our plan.

"Awesome." Nikki said, smiling at Brie. "I'm in."

"Totally." Eva smiled.

"It's a house show, we can do that. I'm in." Tamina shrugged.

"Brie?" I asked.

"Agreed." She nodded.

"Great." AJ smirked at me.

"Alright, so, as soon as they get out, y'all go." I pointed at the TV. "I'll stay here and wait. And Eva, if you get hurt, shake your head no when the match's over so we're not doing anything, alright? I mean, you're new to this and Tamina's not that easy." I chuckled.

"I'll take it easy, no worries." Tamina shrugged, while Eva rolled her eyes playfully.

We all ended up laughing, and then AJ's theme blasted. I kissed her cheek and wished her good luck, before she skipped through to the stage, followed by a smirking Tamina.

"Good luck." I smiled at Eva, before the three of them walked into the stage as well.

The match soon started, and I watched carefully, just waiting for my cue.

As soon as Tamina won, AJ took her belt and held it up above her head, meanwhile Eva and The Bellas walked to the ramp. My turn.

The lights went out with my signal, and I ran out to the stage. It went on again, when me, Tamina and AJ were standing behind the three of them, smirking, while they started at us shocked.

"Missed me?" I asked, and AJ gave her belt to me, so I smashed it against Eva's face. She fell to the floor, and Nikki rushed after me, but got a kick in the guts by Tamina.

Now Brie stared at her sister, and her friend, trying to decided which one to help. Obviously, she went for her sister, and then the three of us started stomping Eva.

"Let her go!" Nikki yelled, running towards us.

This time I got her with a punch right on her chin, and AJ went for Brie.

Just when the three of them were on the floor, crawling towards each other, that I took a mic.

"You just never mess with The Shield's girl."

And we didn't plan that, but right on cue, The Shield's theme song hit, and the three of them walked to the crowd, towards the center of the ring. Dean grabbed a mic, as I skipped to the ring, sitting on the apron and facing the stage.

"See, women, that's exactly what happens when anyone tries to mess with one of us." He stopped right behind me, leaning on the ropes and winking at me when I looked up at him. "You touched her first, so we let her do whatever she wanted to you. Y'know, babygirl was actually really nice to you all. No plastic noses broken. Yet." He smirked.

AJ and Tamina walked towards me, and stopped a few steps forward, staring at the three girls on the stage.

"We all know how much little AJ means to our sister, and we care a lot about our friends, so... I guess she needed  little revenge." Seth shrugged, smiling down at me.

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