Twenty Nine. Hate?

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"You can call it anger, yet you rarely retract your claws." - Fighting Wolves

"You sure you're okay?" Stephen asked, making me look up at him.

Well, we had been in the flight for a while now, and we haven't spoken at all.

"I'm on a plane and I can't complain." I smirked. "Get it? I'm on a plain. Nirvana?" I chuckled.

"Yeah, I get it." He chuckled as well.

"And yeah, I'm okay. I'm a bit tired, my legs and arms hurt." I chuckled. "But I'll survive." I winked at him.

"You better." He kissed my cheek, and I smiled.


So, when we got to the hotel, I called the guys, but it happened that we were a bit late and they already in the arena, so we had to take our stuff and drive there. I took a shower there, put my ring gear on, and had to go right to the ring as the Shield had a match. It was pretty quick, but when we were going backstage, through the crowd, as usual, something happened.

"Why's Dean being with Lana that much?!" Someone yelled.

"Lacey loves you, Dean!" Another one yelled, and I caught my heart in my throat as I heard that, rushing to get out of there, but when we got out of sight, someone held me by my arm, and I turned around, only to be met by his eyes.

"Do you?" He asked.

I simply pulled my arm, turned around and stomped my way to our locker room, hearing Dean yell something from distance, and Seth right after. I mumbled a 'fuck' and sat down on our couch. I was in silence, alone, but then, a few minutes later, AJ came skipping in and sat down beside me, putting her legs on my lap.

"Sooo, Punky just called and he said you and the guys must be in Chicago this weekend because he has a surprise to all of us." She smirked.

"A surprise?" I smirked back.

"Yess! He says he wants everyone there." She smiled.

"Tell him there's no way I'm missing this." I winked, but deep down I already knew what would happen. Me and Punk had been talking about it for a few months now, but I didn't know he'd do that so soon, and AJ, of course, had no idea of what was coming. It was big.

"Why do I have the feeling that you know something?" She squinted her eyes at me.

"I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." I shook my head no and laughed.

"Fine..." She shook her head. "Well, since Paige is 'hurt' because of what happened, I'll have a promo alone, because you're being 'punished'." She sighed.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's fine." She smiled. "It's gonna be-" She stopped suddenly, standing up. "Shit, it's the next!" She turned on the TV and kissed my cheek. "Wish me luck!" She laughed, before running out of the room.

"Good luck!" I yelled, laughing, then looked at the TV.

AJ's song had just hit when I heard the door being closed, and it probably was Stephen, Seth or Roman, so I didn't turn back to look.

"AJ's out there alone, isn't it sad?"

"It is." No. No. No. No.

I quickly turned around to see him leaning his back against the door, staring at me with that fire inside those eyes that only he had. Not even saying a word, I stood up to leave but he held me.

"Talk to me." He said.

Staring back at him, I tried to pull my arm. Dean was stronger than me, and even if his hold wasn't hurting me, I couldn't get away. "Dean, you're hurting me." I said, attempting to make him let me go.

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