Chapter Three. Kick Some Ass.

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"When everything's made to be broken, I just want you to know who I am." - Goo Goo Dolls

                    "Okay, already in the arena, we can go. No more arguments, okay?" Seth held my elbow so I wouldn't smack Dean's face while he was faking a moan.

"Sure, hold your little puppy then." He laughed, blowing a kiss at me and tossing his bag on his shoulder before walking inside.

"I hate him!" I growled and Roman chuckled. "What?!" I turned around to face him, taking my bag and his.

"Seems more like you two have a secret love for each other." He locked the car and started walking.

"Love? How the hell can someone love a psycho like Dean? That's ridiculous, c'mon. " I rolled my eyes, following him and Seth.

That was completelly stupid. Me? Love Dean? Hell no. And I'm sure he didn't like me too, always treating me like a piece of shit. What kind of idea was that? Pff.

We walked to our locker room and I stretched while they were inside the bathroom, dressing up in their ring gear. Then it was my time, and I went to get my make up ready after getting my cut up Shield's top and a leather shorts, paired with my black ring boots.

My eyes were closed while I was listening a bit of music, and then I felt a tap on my shoulder, opening my eyes to see a smiley AJ in front of me.

"Hey. " I smiled and sat up correctly. "Ready for our match later on?"

"'Course! Can't wait to kick some ass." She chuckled.

We headed to her locker room, sharing some thoughts about the card and all, after all, we were still fans, when someone knocked on the door.

"You're on after this match, go get Lacey." One of the guys from staff said, and I yelled back that I was already there.

Me and AJ headed to the courtain, nodding to a guy to hit my theme song, and linking arms, me and AJ skipped to the ring and she held her belt up above her head.

Then the Bellas' song went on and we looked at the ramp, rolling my eyes as they made their pathetic entrance, Eva Marie in the middle of them.

When they were already in the ring, shooting us angry looks, The Shield's theme song went on and I smirked as they looked around, searching for my hounds.

I watched as they made their way to me and Seth pecked my forehead as Dean wrapped his arm around my waist.

The ref asked them to get out of the ring, so the match could start.

They slid off, staying ringside. Roman always staring angrily at the girls, and sure as hell they were scared.

Me and Brie started the match and she tried to wrap her arm around my neck to choke me, but I was faster, and hit her with a punch in her guts, before grabbing her by the hair and throwing her face on the turnbuckle.

She held onto the rope, and I began kicking her again and again, on her ribs.

"You like that, Brie?! You like that?!" I yelled, as the ref took me away, giving her the chance to stand up and dropkick me.

I fell to the mat and heard her yelling 'c'mon'. I tried to get on my feet again, but she kicked me in the face.

"C'mon, Ace!" Seth yelled, slamming his fist in the mat and making Brie look at him.

And that's when I took the chance to roll her for the pin, which she got out on 2 and I punched the mat. I knew it wouldn't be that easy.

She made her way to her corner and tagged Nikki. I looked at her, venom filling my eyes, and she ran to me, trying a clothesline, but I ducked and ran after her. She hit the ropes, and when she turned around, I kicked her in the gut, pulling her by the hair to my corner, tagging AJ in. I punched Nikki's ribs, held AJ's hand and then I threw her into Nikki, clotheslining her on the corner, before trying the pin again, and Brie came from behind, punching AJ.

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