Fourteen. Some Fun.

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"I walked the ward for you, babe, a thousand miles for you. I dried your tears of pain, babe, a million times for you." - Billy Idol

We actually took a little while to get to the park, and besides talking about the way, or the traffic, we didn't talk much, which left a bit of an awkward silence in the car, and I knew he was dying to break it, just as much as I was.

"So, what's the deal with Dean?" Sheamus asked. I was glad he decided to talk, but such an awful subject. Why, God.

"I'm not really sure." I shrugged, as he parked the car.

It was a giant park, named Lulla Park, and I was surprised that we didn't hear there was a park in town. It was nice. Colorful, balloons, tons of rides, candy cottons and popcorn, but... Fucking clowns. I shook my head, holding tight to Shea's hand.

"He's just really weird." I continued. "One time he's nice, next, he's an asshole." I sighed. "Let's choose a better topic today, shall we?" I flashed him a smile as he bought us the tickets. "Oh my God, the roller coaster! Can we go there first?! Pleaaase!" I said, but after realizing how childish I sounded, I blushed. "I mean, if you want to."

"Of course we can." He smiled. "Wait in the line while I'll get some popcorn? It's a big line and we'll need something to eat. Deal?"


"I'll be right back." He smiled and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Heading to the roller coaster line, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and took a deep breath, before starting to hum a random song. Please, God, there can't be any clowns around while I'm alone...

*Flashback on*

"But, dad! I hate clowns!" I whined.

"Lacey, clowns are fun, we will have one for your birthday." Mother said. I didn't even know why she wanted a clown in our party, I hated them and she knew it.

"No worries, sweetie, dad won't let'em hurt you, 'kay?" Dad smiled, before ruffling my hair.

"Don't touch it! You'll ruin her hair!" Mother slapped his hand away and he rolled his eyes, while I made a face and sighed. She got this gigantic pink flower to put on my hair, and made a man curl it then do some stuff... I hated it, but mother said it looked good and that since family was coming for my birthday party, I should look good for them. Dad waited until she left, then knelt in front if me and smiled.

"You don't need none of it to look beautiful, Lay." He kissed my forehead. "But let's try to make your mom happy, okay?"

"But it's my birthday, shouldn't I be happy instead?" I sighed again. "Does she think I'm ugly?"

"Of course not." Dad chuckled and hugged me. "And your cousin Mike's coming today, aren't you happy?"

"Yeah." I forced a smile at him, and he kissed my forehead again.

Cousin Mike was my favorite. He loved playing with the Hotwheels cars that dad gave me. I was 7 today, which means I'm older than him. But his birthday's next week, so I don't know. He was the first to arrive, with his father and his mother. I also liked the two of them, they were the only uncle and auntie that really liked me. I heard my other two aunties say bad things to mom about me and my dad... I don't really like them. Or my grandma.

Mike and I sat down in my room, making little races with our favorite cars, and then Cousin Michelle walked in. She was 10 years already, but always walked around with a Barbie in her hands. She always makes fun of me, but I never understood. I told mom I didn't want her to come, but she said that everyone was invited.

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