Thirty Five. Family.

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"If you want to love me, then darlin' don't refrain." - Guns N' Roses

Six months. So much had happened, that it actually felt like a year.

First, AJ and Punk had their wedding, already, on a Friday, 13. Yes, lovely, isn't it? It was. A very nice idea. Then, after the wedding, AJ, unfortunately, lost her belt to Paige, and decided to quit.

We all tried to talk her out of it, but she said she was done. She didn't feel the same passion for wrestling anymore, and she couldn't do something just because it was her job, this was not her at all. So, after a couple of weeks with this discussion on the table, she quit.

Let me say I felt really weird being on the road by myself, actually, but the guys would never leave my side, and things couldn't be better. For starters, I was in a feud with Paige right now, and guess who'd get the Divas belt really soon? Yes, this redhead, yay!

"You saw it coming when AJ left." Vince joked, and we all chuckled. "Wrestlemania, darling, like you always wanted." He smiled.

"Really?" I smiled.

"But of course!" Hunter smiled.

"I still remember you calling me Auntie Steph and telling me how you'd get the Women's belt on a Wrestlemania, with your dad, Auntie Steph, Uncle Vince and Auntie Linda." Steph chuckled, and I felt my cheeks burning slightly.

"Surprises me she didn't end up calling us grandma and grandpa." Linda laughed.

"Cause she'd tell everyone about her godparents." Dad chuckled.

"And I still remember holding you as a kid." Hunter chuckled.

"Oh, my God." I chuckled as well.

"Wait!" Vince stood up, rushing to the living room and coming back with a picture in hand. "Remember this day?" He showed me, and then gave it to Jon. "She loved Triple H, and he got the belt. Guess who wanted to be the first to congratulate him?"

"I was a fan!" I laughed. "Couldn't be more embarrassing than asking Shawn Michaels if I could get a kiss." I said, and they laughed.

"A kiss?" Jon asked, laughing softly.

"At this point, she already felt comfortable around the guys, except for Kane, she was scared of him," he laughed, "so, I told her that if she asked Shawn to give her a peck on her cheeks, I'd let her choose the next Champion. She always been really shy."

"I thought she always been around the guys and everything. How was that?" Jon asked.

"It took her a while to meet everyone, and the arena. Her mother wouldn't let her." My father chuckled.

"And well, I walked up to him, called Uncle Shawn, and when he looked at me, I asked if I could have a kiss." I shook my head. "Stone Cold and Hart were there too. So Shawn knelt beside me, kissed my cheek and said I owed him one as well, so I kissed his cheek." I chuckled.

"Then the guys would ask her for a kiss every time they saw her." Vince chuckled.

"And who was the next champ?" Jon asked.

"You're having dinner with him." Hunter smirked, so Jon raised a brow at me.

"I was a fan!" I laughed.

So, there was me, Jon, my father, Vince, Linda, Hunter and Steph having dinner at Vince's. It had been a long time since I had been there, and it was great to spend time with them.

At first, my father didn't like Jon very much, but after Vince told him that he was a 'good boy', my father started to like him better. Now they really got along, and we were planning on buying a house together, right next to Seth's.

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