Thirteen. Sides.

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"Who do you think of, does he look like me? Do you tell lies and say that it's forever? Do you think twice, or just touch 'n' see?" - Def Leppard

Thinking about Sheamus' kiss was making butterflies grow in my stomach, and not even the relaxing sound and light of my lightsaber made me sleep. I didn't want to be in love, 'cause I didn't want to get hurt. But then again, Sheamus actually seemed to like me, and he was nice, really nice.

With those thoughts in mind, I walked downstairs and grabbed a beer, then went back to my room and laid down, taking a sip. I never really liked the taste, but I doubt anyone does. Staring at the ceiling, I laid there for a long time, but then the door was opened, and I didn't even need to look to know who was it. And he was smoking. Oh, joy.

"You better throw that away, I don't want my bedroom to stink like that." I said.

I heard the door closing, and then steps to the bathroom. Without the cigarette, he plopped himself on the bed, beside me.

"Who gave you permission to that?"

"Myself." He replied, reaching out for my beer. "You drank too much tonight."

"Who cares? And what are you doing here? It's late, you know."

"I can't sleep."

"Why do you always come for me when you can't sleep?"

"I couldn't just lay down with Seth and Leigh, could I?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

"Why are you still awake?"

"Can't sleep." Shrugged.

"Why is he here?"


"Your 'boyfriend'." He made quotation marks when I looked at him.

"Why are you here?"

"Spending the weekend with my friends."

"He's spending the weekend with me." I shrugged and looked away.

"So it's official." He laughed softly. "You're dating that douche."

"I' don't know. And he's not a douche." I rolled my eyes. "What's the problem with you?" I turned on my side to look at him. "I mean, you just play nice now and then, but then you just hate me, or threaten me, or... Shit, Dean, what did I do to you?"

He just had this smirk on his face as he listened to what I said, but he never answered, he just moved his face closer, and I really thought he'd kiss me, but he pecked my forehead, stood up and walked to the door. "Thanks for standing up for me. Not many people do that." He said, as he opened the door. Dean didn't even let me reply, he just walked away and closed the door.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and hugged my pillow. Why can't he be normal? I just wish everything was okay and that he could never piss me off the way he does.

"Your boyfriend's waiting downstairs." I heard Seth's voice as I turned on my side.

"If you mean Axl Rose's downstairs." I said, putting my pillow on my face.

"Not Axl, but he's a redhead too."

"Fuck! Did I sleep too much?"

"Not sure. I just woke up." He shrugged.

"Damn, fuck, shit." I rubbed my face and ran to the bathroom, hearing Seth's laugh.

After getting ready, I walked out and he was laying on my bed, his forearm over his face.

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