Chapter 2: Past

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The couple(HuaLian) had visited the human realm to visit their friend.

"Your highness! Its been a while"

"Your highness, Hua cheng." The man bowed

"No need to bow!" Xie Lian replied, he then showed a baby in his arms to the two.

"Your highness, is he..?"

"Meet our son, Hua Ying"

"A-ying, they're your Cangse ayi and Changze shushu" Hua cheng replied

"Congratulations" Wei changze replied with a smile on his face.

Wei Changze and Cangse sanren had just finished their night hunt when they heard two people whispering.

"San lang, I'm fine."
"Your bleeding gege, how is it fine?"

"Hello?" Cangse sanren voiced
"A-se, what are you doing?"
"I heard someone"
"Its night time, lets go"

Cangse sanren had a feeling. She did not want to go so instead, she went to a different location.

"Sorry, A-ze, I need to help those people"

"Excuse me, are you all right?"

The two boys then shot their heads up at the sudden voice. "Y-yea, just a scratch" Xie Lian said.

"I know how to treat wounds, my husband can start a fire so you both could feel warm"
Cangse sanren implied.

"Thank you"
"Whats your name?"

" I'm Cangse sanren and this is my husband, Wei Changze. We are rouge cultivators who travel"

"It is nice to meet you, Cangse furen and Wei xiansheng."

先生 (xiānshēng) — Sir

夫人 (fūrén) — Madam

"You may address me as Xie Lian and this is my lover, San Lang."

"It is nice to meet you!" Cangse sanren replied.

"What happened to your leg?" Wei changze asked looking at Xie Lian's bleeding leg.

"There was an ambush of wolves. I kind off got bitten hehe."

"Please be careful Mr. Xie, wolves tend to roam around at night!"

"I will, thank you" 


After their interaction, they soon became best friends. Well, more like Cangse sanren and Xie Lian. Hua Cheng and Wei changze are just husbands admiring their beloved.

When revealing the truth of Being a God and Ghost king, Cangse sanren and Wei changze had accepted them and treated them the same as they did.


I just want to write how Wei Ying's parents met his uncle and auntie. In the next chapter will be meeting lan wangji?👀 Stay tuned!

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